Matthew Marks Gallery

Wade Guyton

  • Born: Hammond, Indiana, 1972

    Education: Hunter College, New York, 1998
    University of Tennessee, Knoxville, B.A., 1995

    Currently lives and works in New York.

  • One-Person Exhibitions


    Thirteen Paintings, Espace Louis Vuitton, Tokyo


    Wade Guyton & Rebecca Warren. The Raw and the Cooked: The Power of Transformation, Bechtler Siftung, Uster, Switzerland
    Galerie Matthiesen, Ausstellung, Edouard Manet, 1928, 6. Februar bis 18. März, Vol. II, Chantal Crousel, Paris
    Five Paintings, 2013-2015, Musée d’Art Moderne de Paris
    Matthew Marks, New York
    Chantal Crousel, Paris


    Supply Chain, Reena Spaulings Fine Art, New York
    The Undoing, Matthew Marks Gallery, Los Angeles (catalogue)


    ZWEI DEKADEN MCMXCIX-MMXIX, Museum Ludwig, Cologne (catalogue)
    Natural Wine, Galerie Chantal Crousel, Paris (catalogue)


    Patagonia, Friedrich Petzel Gallery, New York (catalogue)
    Fire and Fury, Galerie Francesca Pia, Zürich (catalogue)
    Patagonia 2, Galerie Gisela Capitain, Cologne


    Siamo Arrivati-in forma abbreviate, Gió Marconi, Milan
    Das New Yorker Atelier, Abridged, Serpentine Gallery, London (catalogue)
    Siamo Arrivati, Museo d’arte contemporanea Donnaregina, Naples (catalogue)
    Das New Yorker Atelier, Museum Brandhorst, Munich (catalogue)


    The New York Times Paintings, Friedrich Petzel Gallery, New York (catalogue)
    Museé d’art moderne et contemporain, Geneva (catalogue)
    Académie Conti, Vosne-Romanée, France (catalogue)
    Le Consortium, Dijon, France
    North Wall, Bowery Studio, WG3505, Le Mur, Paris


    25/25/25 – 25 Jahre/25 Künstler_innen/ 25 Museen, Josef Albers Museum Quadrat Bottrop, Germany (catalogue)
    The Art Institute of Chicago
    Zeichnungen für ein kleines Zimmer, V. 1.2, Punta della Dogana, Pinault Collection, Venice
    Galerie Gisela Capitain, Cologne
    26 avril – 7 juin 2008, Galerie Chantal Crousel, Paris (catalogue)
    Friedrich Petzel Gallery, New York (catalogue)


    Kunsthalle Zürich (catalogue)
    Wade Guyton, Guyton\Walker, Kelley Walker, Kunsthaus Bregenz, Austria (catalogue)


    OS, Whitney Museum of American Art, New York (catalogue)


    Galerie Francesca Pia, Zürich (catalogue)
    Villa Francesca Pia, Zürich (catalogue)
    Zeichnungen für ein kleines Zimmer, Secession, Vienna (catalogue)
    Couleur et Fabrication, Gió Marconi, Milan (catalogue)
    Zeichnungen für ein grosses Bild, v. 1.2. Now in Berlin with more space but without the Bild, Galerie Capitain Petzel, Berlin (catalogue)


    Museum Ludwig, Cologne (catalogue)


    Museum Dhondt-Dhaenens, Sint-Martens-Latem, Belgium
    Gió Marconi, Milan


    Portikus, Frankfurt
    Galerie Chantal Crousel, Paris


    Friedrich Petzel Gallery, New York
    Galerie Francesca Pia, Zürich
    Galerie Gisela Capitain, Cologne
    The Suburban, Chicago


    Haubrok Collection, Berlin
    Paintings, westlondonprojects, London
    Color, Power & Style, Friedrich Petzel Gallery, New York
    Hard Hat Editions, Geneva
    La Salle de Bains, Lyon, France (catalogue)


    Gavlak Gallery, Palm Beach, FL
    Color, Power & Style, Kunstverein Hamburg (catalogue)
    Galerie Francesca Pia, Bern
    Art 36 Statements, Galerie Francesca Pia, Basel


    Objects are Much More Familiar, Power House, Memphis, TN


    Elements of an Incomplete Map, Artists Space, New York
    X Sculpture, Power House, Memphis, TN


    Andrew Kreps Gallery Project Space, New York


    Hunter College, New York

  • Selected Group Exhibitions


    Effetto notte: Nuovo realismo americano, Palazzo Barberini, Rome
    Between Pixel and Pigment: Hybrid Painting in Post-digital Times, Marta Herford Museum for Art Architecture, Design, Herford, Germany; Kunsthalle Biefeld, Germany
    When Image Processing Became Painting, Miguel Abreu Gallery, New York


    Paraventi: Folding Screens from the 17th to 21st Centuries, Fondazione Prada, Milan
    Reaching for the Stars: From Maurizio Cattelan to Lynette Yiadom-Boakye, Fondazione Palazzo Strozzi, Florence, Italy
    Together in Time: Selections from the Hammer Contemporary Collection, Hammer Museum, Los Angeles


    Bad Manners, Luxembourg + Co., London
    Monochrome Multitudes, Smart Museum of Art, Chicago
    The Painter’s New Tools, Nahmad Contemporary, New York (catalogue)


    Main Street, Greene Naftali Gallery, East Hampton, NY
    Disturbances in the Field: Art in the High Desert from Andrea Zittel’s A–Z West to High Desert Test Sites, Nevada Museum of Art, Reno
    Stop Painting!, Fondazione Prada, Venice
    After all, a collection is only human, Museum Dhondt-Dhaenens at Villa Vandenbussche, Tielt, Belgium
    Hanne Darboven, Wade Guyton, Allan McCollum, Stephen Prina, Samson Young, Friedrich Petzel Gallery, New York


    I Yield My Time Fuck You, Altman Siegel, San Francisco
    00.s Cranford Collection – The 2000s, MO.CO. Hôtel des collections, Montpellier, France (catalogue)
    Ice and Fire: A Benefit Exhibition in Three Parts, The Kitchen, New York
    With Wings That Beat, Skarstedt, London
    Artists for New York, Hauser & Wirth, New York
    Milléniales.Peintures 2000–2020, FRAC Nouvelle-Aquitaine MÉCA, Bordeaux, France
    It never ends: None of the above, KANAL – Centre Pompidou, Brussels
    It never ends: All of the above, KANAL – Centre Pompidou, Brussels
    Drawings 2020, Gladstone Gallery, New York (catalogue)
    Technological Transformation, K20 Kunstsammlung Nordrhein-Westfalen, Dusseldorf
    UNIQUE, PARKETT Space, Zürich
    Arrows, Galerie Francesca Pia, Zürich
    Photography to the Test of Abstraction, Fonds Regional d'Art Contemporain, Marseille, France
    Normandie Rouen, Sotteville-lès-Rouen, France
    Museo di Capodimonte, Naples
    All for the Hall, Guild Hall, East Hampton, NY
    .paint, Museum of Contemporary Art Chicago
    room enough for former teasers, Galerie Gisela Capitain, Cologne
    Au-dela de la couleur. Le noir et le blanc dans la Collection Pinault, Couvent de Jacobnis, Rennes, France
    Amish Quilts meet Modern Art, Staatliches Textil- und Industrienmuseum Augsburg, Germany
    Overwrite, Greene Naftali Gallery, New York
    The Way We Were 2.0, Weserberg Museum of Modern Art, Bremen, Germany
    Out of Order, Works from the Haubrok Collection, Part 2, Neues Museum, Nuremberg
    Blanc sur Blanc, Gagosian Gallery, Paris


    Thonet 200 Project: Reimagined, Schellmann Art, Munich
    One hundred drawings, Matthew Marks Gallery, New York (catalogue)
    Concerning Superfluities: Shaker Material Culture and Some Affinities, Essex Street Gallery, New York
    Out of Order, Works from the Haubrok Collection, Part 1, Neues Museum, Nuremberg
    Hard Feelings, Nahmad Contemporary, New York
    Chairs Beyond Right & Wrong, R & Company, New York
    STEP BY STEP – Visions of an art dealer’s collection, Nouveau Musée National de Monaco
    The Way We Are 1.0, Weserberg Museum of Modern Art, Bremen, Germany
    New Order: Art and Technology in the Twenty-First Century, The Museum of Modern Art, New York
    Strategic Vandalism: The Legacy of Asger Jorn’s Modification Paintings, Friedrich Petzel Gallery, New York (catalogue)
    A Vision for Painting, Fondation Louis Vuitton, Paris


    Bilduma: Rethinking the Boundaries of Painting, Cibrián Gallery, San Sebastián, Spain
    Wade Guyton and Stephen Prina, Friedrich Petzel Gallery, New York
    Trance by Albert Oehlen, Aïshti Foundation, Beirut, Lebanon (catalogue)
    Exclusivement contemporain, Musée d'art et d'histoire, Geneva (catalogue)
    Internazionalismo e «eccezione elvetica». 100 anni d’arte grafica in Svizzera, Museo Civico Villa dei Cedri, Bellinzona, Switzerland (catalogue)
    True Luxury…Art Acquisitions 2012–2018, Stedelijk Museum, Amsterdam
    The Vitalist Economy of Painting, Galerie Neu, Berlin
    Immer anders, immer gleich: Ein versuch über Kunst und Systeme, Bündner Kunstmuseum, Chur, Switzerland (catalogue)
    Chaos and Awe: Painting for the 21st Century, Frist Art Museum, Nashville, TN
    Readymades Belong to Everyone: Annual Architecture and Design Series, Swiss Institute, New York
    Art Imprimé. Triennale, Musée des beaux-arts, Le Locle, Switzerland
    Art in the Synthetic Age, Moderna Museet, Stockholm
    The Scale of Persona and Possibility, Super Dakota, Brussels
    ReCycle, Galerie Chantal Crousel, Paris (catalogue)
    Nouvelles Images: Donations, Bequests, and Acquisitions 2016–2017, Museé d’art moderne et Contemporain, Geneva
    Wendepunkte: Von Nolde bis Oppenheim. 100 Jahre Schweizerische Graphische Gesellschaft, Graphische Sammlung ETH Zürich (catalogue)


    The Everywhere Studio, ICA Miami (catalogue)
    Pompei@Madre: Materia Archeologica, Museo d’arte contemporanea Donnaregina, Naples
    The Electric Comma, V-A-C Foundation, Palazzo delle Zattere, Venice
    Publishing as an Artistic Toolbox: 1989–2017, Kunsthalle Wien
    An Ephemeral History of High Desert Test Sites: 2002–2015, Joshua Tree, CA
    Unpainting, Art Gallery of New South Wales, Sydney (catalogue)
    Minimalism & Beyond, Mnuchin Gallery, New York (catalogue)
    Wade Guyton and Stephen Prina, Friedrich Petzel Gallery, New York
    Photographic Objects, Städel Museum, Frankfurt
    Social Photography V, Carriage Trade, New York
    Abstract Painting Now!, Kunsthalle Krems, Austria (catalogue)
    Wade Guyton Peter Fischli David Weiss, Aspen Art Museum, CO (catalogue)
    Blue Black, Pulitzer Arts Foundation, Saint Louis (catalogue)
    Mentally Yellow (High Noon): Presentation of the Collection Art After 1945, Lenbachhaus, Munich
    White Trash, Luhring Augustine, New York
    Oklahoma and Beyond: Selections from the George R. Kravis II Collection, Oklahoma State University Museum of Art, Stillwater, OK
    Paint On: Dimensionen des Malerischen, Pinakothek der Moderne, Munich


    A Slow Succession with Many Interruptions: Art in the 21st Century, San Francisco Museum of Modern Art
    Warhol, Wool, Guyton, Nahmad Contemporary, New York (catalogue)
    Olympia, Galerie Patrick Seguin, Paris
    ETHER, Galerie Chantal Crousel, Paris (catalogue)
    between frames, Haubrok Foundation, Berlin
    Quodlibet, Lempertz, Brussels
    OVER/UNDER, P! and Room East, New York
    Fine Young Cannibals, Friedrich Petzel Gallery, New York (catalogue)
    Wade Guyton and Stephen Prina, Friedrich Petzel Gallery, New York
    Good Dreams/Bad Dreams, Aïshti Foundation, Beirut, Lebanon (catalogue)
    Painting 2.0: Expression in the Information Age, Museum moderner Kunst Stiftung Ludwig Wien (catalogue)
    The Cable Guys II, Future Gallery, Berlin
    Lines of Flight, Columbia University, Miriam and Ira D. Wallach Art Gallery, New York
    Painting After Technology, Tate Modern, London
    Pandora’s Box, Musée d’art modern de la Ville de Paris (catalogue)
    The Hyena is a Striped Dog Who Thought He was a Laughing Horse, Halsey McKay, East Hampton, NY
    Image Tech: Making Pictures in a Post Digital Age, The College of New Jersey, Ewing
    Les Fleurs du Mal, Nahmad Contemporary, New York (catalogue)
    From Minimalism into Algorithm, Phase 3, The Kitchen, New York
    Images, Fridericianum, Kassel
    Récit d’un temps court, Musée d’art modern et contemporain, Geneva


    The Answer. The Question, Artist Curated Projects, Los Angeles
    NOCHROME, Repertorio, London
    The Collections. The Invention of the Modern. The Incursion of the Contemporary, Museo di arte modernae contemporenea di Trento e Rovereto, Italy
    They Printed It!, Kunsthalle Zürich
    Painting 2.0: Expression in the Information Age, Museum Brandhorst, Munich
    New Skin, Aishti Foundation, Beirut, Lebanon (catalogue)
    Black Sun, Fondation Beyeler, Basel
    Artists at Work, Stanford University, Cantor Arts Center, CA
    Unpacking My Library, 6 Decades, San Francisco
    Eppur Si Muove: Art et Technique, un Espace Partagé, Mudam Luxembourg
    Sprayed: Work from 1929 to 2015, Gagosian Gallery, London (catalogue)
    Collecting Lines, Chapter 1: Drawings from the Ringier Collection, Villa Flora, Winterthur, Switzerland
    Drawing Show, Greene Naftali Gallery, New York
    America is Hard to See, Whitney Museum of American Art, New York
    Sorry, I’ve Been Trying to Teach a Peacock How to Act, Rachel Uffner Gallery, New York
    Printed Matters, Gesso Art Space, Vienna
    Wade Guyton and Stephen Prina, Friedrich Petzel Gallery, New York
    CNTRL+P: Printmaking in the 21st Century By University of Tennessee Alumni, University of Tennessee, Ewing Gallery of Art and Architecture, Knoxville, TN
    Yes, We’re Open, Gió Marconi, Milan
    Group Show, Marc Jancou, Geneva
    75 Gifts for 75 Years, Walker Art Center, Minneapolis


    Fiona Banner Selects from the V-A-C Collection, Whitechapel Gallery, London
    Beneath the Surface, de la Cruz Collection Contemporary Art Space, Miami
    Artists for Artists: 51st Anniversary Exhibition to Benefit the Foundation for Contemporary Arts, Matthew Marks Gallery, New York
    The Contract, Essex Street, New York
    John Armleder, Burning Bridges, New York
    Drawing Biennial 2014: The Future Shapes the Past, Kunsthall Oslo
    Stars + Stripes: American Art of the 21st Century from the Goldberg Collection, Bathurst Regional Art Gallery, Australia
    Another, Once Again, Many Times More, Martos Gallery, New York
    Love Story: The Anne and Wolfgang Titze Collection, Belvedere Museums, Vienna
    Prima Materia, Punta della Dogana, Pinault Collection, Venice
    Loveless, Greene Naftali Gallery, New York
    This Page Intentionally Left Blank, Akbank Art Center, Istanbul (catalogue)
    American Academy of Arts and Letter, New York
    KUB Collection Showcase: New Acquisitions from Ai Weiwei to Zobernig, Kunsthaus Bregenz, Austria
    Les Gueules Cassées, Kunsthalle Mainz, Germany


    Summer in Gstaad, Patrica Low Contemporary, Gstaad, Switzerland
    From the Collection: Looking at Process, de la Cruz Collection Contemporary Art Space, Miami
    When Now is Minimal: The Unknown Side of the Goetz Collection, Neues Museum, Nuremburg. Traveled to Museion, Bozen, Germany.
    Empire State: Art in New York Today, Galerie Thaddaeus Ropac, Paris
    Correspondences: Ad Reinhardt at 100, TEMP Art Space, New York
    Comrades of Time|Comrades of Time, Cell Project Space, London
    The Show is Over, Gagosian Gallery, London
    2013 Carnegie International, Carnegie Museum of Art, Pittsburgh
    Out of the Blue, Cortesi Contemporary, Lugano, Switzerland
    Holes in the Wall, Early Works 1948–2013, Fri Art, Fribourg, Switzerland
    Nayland Blake, Thomas Demand, Trisha Donnelly, Vincent Fecteau & Wade Guyton, Matthew Marks Gallery, Los Angeles
    Freak Out, Greene Naftali Gallery, New York
    cycle L’Éternel D’étour, Musée d’art modern et contemporain, Geneva
    do it, Manchester Art Gallery, United Kingdom
    Il Palazzo Enciclopedico, Venice Biennale (catalogue)
    ICA Collection: Expanding the Field of Painting, Institute of Contemporary Art, Boston
    Empire State: Art in New York Today, Palazzo delle Exposizioni, Rome (catalogue)
    less like the object more like the weather: Object Permanence, Hessel Museum of Art, Annandale-on-Hudson, NY
    Lies About Painting, Moderna Museet, Mälmo, Sweden
    Chat, Jet, Painting <Beyond> The Medium, Künstlerhaus, Graz, Austria
    Wade Guyton and Stephen Prina, Friedrich Petzel Gallery, New York
    Abstraction Generation: Now in Print, The Museum of Modern Art, New York
    MOCA’s Permanent Collection: A Selection of Recent Acquisitions, Museum of Contemporary Art, Los Angeles
    Beg, Borrow, and Steal, Palm Springs Art Museum, CA


    Haubrok Collection at Deichtorhallen, Falckenberg Collection, Hamburg
    From the Collection: 2012 Exhibition, de la Cruz Contemporary Art Space, Miami
    Seuls quelques fragments de nous toucheront quelques fragments d’autrui, Galerie Thaddaeus Ropac, Paris (catalogue)
    Abstract Possible: The Birmingham Beat, Eastside Projects, Birmingham, United Kingdom
    Dikeou Collection, Artpace, San Antonio
    The Feverish Library, Friedrich Petzel Gallery, New York
    Decade: Contemporary Collecting, 2002–2012, Albright-Knox Art Gallery, Buffalo, NY
    HELP/LESS, Printed Matter Inc., New York
    Drawing a Blank (On Forgetting, Refusal, Censure and Impotence), David Kordansky Gallery, Los Angeles
    Die schönsten Schweizer Bücher 2011, Helmhaus, Zürich (catalogue)
    Painting in Space: An Exhibition to benefit CCS Bard, Luhring Augustine, New York
    La peinture sans les peintres, Villa du parc, Centre d’art contemporain, Annemasse, France
    Telephone Paintings, Almine Rech, Basel (catalogue)
    Changing & Growing, KM, Berlin
    Steel Life, Michael Benevento, Los Angeles
    Contemporary Painting, 1960 to the Present: Selections from the Collection, San Francisco Museum of Modern Art
    Phantom Limb: Approaches to Painting Today, Museum of Contemporary Art Chicago, Illinois
    The Painting Factory, Museum of Contemporary, Art Los Angeles (catalogue)
    Against Interpretation, Tilburg, Netherlands
    Wade Guyton and Stephen Prina, Friedrich Petzel Gallery, New York
    New Sculpture?, Zachęta National Gallery of Art, Warsaw
    In the Space of the Beholder: Contemporary Works from the Sammlung Moderne Kunst, Pinkothek der Moderne, Munich
    The Old, the New, the Different, Kunsthalle Bern, Switzerland
    In Numbers: Serial Publications by Artists Since 1955, Institute of Contemporary Art, London
    Soft Op – Strategies of the Material Transformation, Modern Collections, London
    Abstract Possible: The Stockholm Synergies, Tensta Konstall, Spånga, Sweden


    American Exuberance, Rubell Family Collection, Miami (catalogue)
    An American in Tblisi: Trisha Donnelly and Wade Guyton, Georgian National Museum, Tblisi, Georgia
    Guyton Guyton Walker Walker, Modern Collections, London (catalogue)
    Structure and Absence, White Cube, Bermondsey, London (catalogue)
    8 Americans, Maruani & Noirhomme Gallery, Brussels (catalogue)
    Aventures, reflets et embuscades, Manoir de la Ville de Martigny, Valais, Switzerland
    Silence and Time, Dallas Museum of Art
    Wade Guyton, Guyton\Walker, Kelley Walker, Galerie Guy Bartschi, Geneva
    Abstract Possible: The Zürich Test with Wade Guyton and Tommy Støkel, University of the Arts, White Space, Zürich
    After Images, Musée Juif de Belgique, Brussels (catalogue)
    X, Gió Marconi, Milan
    So Machen Wir Es, Kunsthaus Bregenz, Austria (catalogue)
    Wade Guyton and Stephen Prina, Friedrich Petzel Gallery, New York
    Kabinett 6: Cheryl Donegan, Ryan Fenchel, Wade Guyton, Tom Meacham, Devening Projects + Editions, Chicago
    Abstract Possible: The Tamayo Take, Museo Tamayo, Mexico City
    Black Swan, Regen Projects, Los Angeles
    Systemanalyse, Langen Foundation, Neuss, Germany (catalogue)
    Abstract & Traces, Ribordy Contemporary, Geneva
    Shapes, Sammlung Haubrok, Berlin
    Untitled (painting) and Tulsa, 1968: A film by Larry Clark, Luhring Augustine, New York


    Die Grosse Inventur, Galerie Francesca Pia, Zürich
    Five Year Anniversary Exhibition, Gavlak Gallery, Palm Beach, CA
    The More Things Change, San Francisco Museum of Modern Art
    Abstract Possible: Trailern, Malmö Konsthall, Sweden
    La Règle du jeu, Galerie Chantal Crousel, Paris
    Systems Analysis, westlondonprojects, London
    The Space Between Reference and Regret, Friedrich Petzel Gallery, New York
    Picture Industry (Goodbye to All That), Regen Projects II, Los Angeles
    Grass Grows by Itself, Marlborough Gallery, New York
    At Home/ Not at Home: Works from the Collection of Martin and Rebecca Eisenberg, Hessel Museum of Art, Annandale-on-Hudson, NY (catalogue)
    Narcissus Trance, E:vent Gallery, London
    Almeria, Galerie Chantal Crousel, Paris (catalogue)
    Schwarz auf Weiss, Gesellschaft für Gegenwartskunst, Ausburg, Germany (catalogue)
    Alchemy Box, Maison d’Art Bernard Anthonioz, Nogent-sur-Marne, France
    One Fine Morning in May…, Gesellschaft für Aktuelle Kunst, Bremen, Germany
    Black Mirrors (Miroirs Noirs), Fondation D’Entreprise Ricard, Paris
    They Have Not the Art to Argue with Pictures, Cherry & Martin, Los Angeles
    The Page, Kimmerich Gallery, New York
    Fade into You, Herald Street, London
    Wade Guyton and Stephen Prina, Friedrich Petzel Gallery, New York
    Fax & Move on Asia, Para/Site, Sheun Wan, Hong Kong
    Neugierig? Kunst des 21. Jahrhunderts aus private Sammlung, Kunsthalle der Bundesrepublik Deutschland, Bonn (catalogue)


    In Numbers: Serial publications by Artists since 1955, X Initiative, New York (catalogue)
    Beg Borrow and Steal, Rubell Family Collection, Miami (catalogue)
    edia Int'l Group, Foundation Barbin New York
    Space as Medium, Miami Art Museum
    Besides, With, Against, And Yet: Abstraction and The Ready-Made Gesture, The Kitchen, New York
    Kiosk: Modes of Multiplication, Kunstbibliothek Staatliche Museen zu Berlin (catalogue)
    Top 10 Allegories, Geneva, Galerie Francesca Pia, Zürich (catalogue)
    The Secret Life of Objects, Midway Contemporary Art, Minneapolis
    I Am By Birth A Genevese, Vegas Gallery, London
    Cave Painting, PSM Gallery, Berlin
    Paperview, John Jones Project Space, London
    In the Darkness: Tom Friedman, Matthew Grover, Wade Guyton, Peter Hujar, Patrick Lee, and Heidi Slimane, PHIL, Los Angeles
    FIVE, Baibakov Art Projects, Moscow (catalogue)
    Material Intelligence, Kettle’s Yard, Cambridge, United Kingdom
    Compass in Hand: Selections from the Judith Rothschild Foundation Fax, The Drawing Center, New York (catalogue)
    Group Show, Friedrich Petzel Gallery, New York
    15 People Present Their Favorite Book (After Kosuth), Glen Horowitz Bookshop Gallery, East Hampton, New York (catalogue)
    REVUE: Gegenwartskunst aus der Sammlung, Pinakothek der Moderne, Münich
    Collected Things Connected, Haubrokshows, Berlin
    A Wild Night and a New Road, Altman Siegel Gallery, San Francisco


    Mutual: On Collaboration, Samsøn Projects, Boston
    Now You See It, Aspen Art Museum, CO
    Oranges and Sardines: Conversations on Abstract Painting with Mark Grotjahn, Wade Guyton, Mary Heilmann, Amy Sillman, Charline von Heyl, and Christopher Wool, Hammer Museum, Los Angeles
    50 Moons of Saturn, T2 Torino Triennial, Fondazione Sandretto Re Rebaudengo, Torino, Italy (catalogue)
    Kunst im Heim, Capitain Petzel Gallery, Berlin
    Around Max Bill, Centre Culturel Suisse, Paris
    Works on Paper & Ricci Albenda, Greene Naftali Gallery, New York
    Death of Samantha/Season of Glass, New Jerseyy, Basel
    For what you are about to receive, Gagosian Gallery, Moscow (catalogue)
    Here is Every: Four Decades of Contemporary Art, The Museum of Modern Art, New York
    Gedichte der Fakten, GfZK-2/Museum of Contemporary Art, Leipzig
    Painting: Now and Forever, Part II, Matthew Marks Gallery and Greene Naftali Gallery, New York
    Not So Subtle Subtitle, Casey Kaplan Gallery, New York
    Poetry Club: That social space between speaking and meaning, White Columns, New York
    Ils sont peintres, BSI-Infabanque, Paris (catalogue)
    Blasted Allegories: Work from the Ringier Collection, Kunstmuseum Luzern, Switzerland (catalogue)
    + de réalité: practiques contemporaines de l’abstraction, Le Hangar á bananes, Nantes, France (catalogue)
    Records Played Backwards, The Modern Institute, Glasgow
    Zuordnungsprobleme, Galerie Johann König, Berlin
    A New High in Getting Lown (nyc), John Connelly Presents, New York
    Nina in Position, Artists Space, New York
    Sculpture and the Concepts of Spatial Illusion 1967–2007, Western Michigan University, Kalamazoo, MI


    Hard Hat at Dispatch, Dispatch, New York
    Tbilisi 4: Everyday is Saturday, Tbilisi, Georgia
    00s – The History of a Decade That Has Not Yet Been Named, Lyon Biennial 2007, Museum of Contemporary Art, Lyon (catalogue)
    Neo-Integrity, Derek Eller Gallery, New York (catalogue)
    Introvert, Extrovert, Makes no Difference, Galerie Catherine Issert, Saint-Paul-de-Venice, France
    What is Painting?, The Museum of Modern Art, New York
    Overtake: The Reinterpretation of Modern Art, University College Cork, Lewis Glucksman Gallery, Ireland
    The Lath Picture Show, Friedrich Petzel Gallery, New York
    Someone else with my fingerprints, Galerie Chantal Crousel, Paris
    Genesis I’m sorry, Greene Naftali Gallery, New York
    Degree Zero, Richard Telles Fine Art, Los Angeles
    Stuff: International Contemporary Art from the Collection of Burt Aaron, Museum of Contemporary Art, Detroit
    DUMP: Postmodern Sculpture in the Dissolved Field, Nasjonalgalleriet, Oslo (catalogue)
    Seth Price / Kelley Walker / Continuous Project, Modern Art Oxford, United Kingdom
    Appropriation, Authority and Authenticity, Museo de Arte de Puerto Rico, San Juan
    Very Abstract and Hyper Figurative, Thomas Dane Gallery, London (catalogue)
    À Moitié Carré À Moitié Fou / Half Square Half Crazy, Centre National d’Art Contemporain de la Villa Arson Nice, France (catalogue)
    For the People of Paris, Sutton Lane, Paris (catalogue)


    Sudden Impact: New Acquisitions from the Frac Ile-de-France, Frac-Ile-de-France, Paris (catalogue)
    Wieder und Wider: Performance Appropriated, MUMOK, Vienna
    Tbilisi 3. Let’s Stay Alive Till Monday, Children’s National Gallery, Georgia
    Breathing Time, Tulane University, Newcomb Art Gallery, New Orleans (catalogue)
    Pose and Sculpture, Casey Kaplan, New York (catalogue)
    Imagination Becomes Reality Part IV: Borrowed Images, Sammlung Goetz, Munich (catalogue)
    Uncertain States of America: American Art in the 3rd Millennium, Kunsthalle Zürich. Traveled to Serpentine Gallery, London and Le Musée du Serignan, France.
    Ordnung + Verführung, Museum Haus Konstruktiv, Zürich
    Delete/How to Make a Perfect Ghost, Anton Kern Gallery, New York (catalogue)
    Matthew Brannon, Wade Guyton, Patrick Hill, United Artists, Ltd., Marfa, TX


    Pale Ramone, Analix Forever, Geneva
    Principles of Construction, Kunsthalle Andratx, Mallorca
    Grey Flags, Friedrich Petzel Gallery, New York
    unburied/reburie, Kunstbunker, Nuremberg
    New York Twice 2, Air de Paris (catalogue)
    Tête à Tête, Greenberg van Doren Gallery, New York
    New York Twice 1, Air de Paris
    Die Gute Forme, Galerie Mehdi Chouakri, Berlin
    Meet me at the Corner, Fortescue Avenue / Jonathan Viner, London
    dead/undead, Galerie Six Friedrich Lisa Ungar, Munich
    Greater New York, MoMA PS1, New York (catalogue)


    Last one on is a soft Jimmy, Paula Cooper Gallery, New York
    The Age of Optimism, Galerie Peter Kilchmann, Zürich
    Formalismus: Moderne Kunst, heute, Kunstverein in Hamburg
    Circa Circe, Forde espace d’art contemporain, Geneva
    Real World: The Dissolving Space of Experience, Modern Art Oxford, United Kingdom (catalogue)
    Tuesday is Gone, Karvasla, Tbilisi, Georgia
    2004 Summer program, apexart, New York (catalogue)
    Notes on Renewed Appropriationisms, The Project, Los Angeles
    Whitney Biennial, Whitney Museum of American Art, New York (catalogue)
    Unplugged Architecture, Frederieke Taylor Gallery, New York


    Le Rayon Noir, Circuit, Lausanne, Switzerland
    All that was not then, Year, New York
    Junge Szene, (Kontext, Form, Troja), Secession, Vienna (catalogue)
    88.7 89.3 103.9, Free 103.9, New York
    In the Public Domain, Greene Naftali Gallery, New York
    Emerging Artist Fellowship Exhibition, Socrates Sculpture Park, New York
    Corporate Profits vs. Labor Costs, D’Amelio Terras, New York
    High Desert Test Sites #2, Joshua Tree, CA (catalogue)
    Snowblind, John Connelly Presents, New York
    Welcome Home, Gavin Brown’s Enterprise, New York


    Building Structures, MoMA PS1, Long Island City
    Brewster Project, Brewster, New York
    Retrofit, Lombard-Freid Gallery, New York
    Lucky DeBellevue, Wade Guyton, Richard Hawkins, Jeff Ono, PHIL, Los Angeles
    Second Sight: Hunter College MFA Alumni Exhibition 1991 – 2001, Hunter College Times Square Gallery, New York (catalogue)


    The Fifth International, New York
    After the Diagram, Whitebox, New York
    Rocks and Trees, Photographic Resource Center at Boston University
    The Love of Look, Kerstin Engholm Galerie, Vienna
    David Brody, Mark Grotjahn, Wade Guyton, Siobahn Liddell, Gorney Bravin + Lee, New York


    Kosmobiologie, Bellwether, New York
    New York Projects, Delfina, London
    21st Century Group Show… or it's only just begun, Gavin Brown’s enterprise, New York


    A Radiant Future, Forde, Geneva
    Against the New Passeism. Understanding that this is only the beginning, hope for the end. Build, Destroy, Do nothing. Andrew Kreps Gallery, New York
    Answer Yes, No, or Don’t Know – Quadrants, Andrew Kreps Gallery, New York


    Sacrifizzio dell’ intelletto 5.0, 289 Hudson, New York


    Supastore de luxe (No. 2), Up & Co, New York
    Cambio, Kenny Schachter Rove, New York

  • Awards, Grants, and Residencies


    American Federation of Arts, Cultural Leadership Award


    Arts and Letters Award, Art of the American Academy for Arts and Letters


    Swiss Federal Design Awards, Most Beautiful Swiss Books, Swiss Federal Office of Culture


    Foundation for Contemporary Performance Arts, Inc.


    Socrates Sculpture Park Emerging Artist Grant


    Artists Space Independent Projects Grant


    Delfina Studio Trust, London