Matthew Marks Gallery

Paul Sietsema

  • Books and Catalogues


    Folie, Sabine, ed. The Purloined Masterpiece. Köln: Walther König, 2023.


    Delahunty, Gavin, ed. Amor Mundi: The Collection of Marguerite Steed Hoffman. London: Ridinghouse, 2022.


    Hudson, Suzanne. Contemporary Painting. London: Thames and Hudson, 2021.


    Nesbit, Molly. Drawing 2020. New York and Brussels: Gladstone Gallery, 2020.


    Basciano, Oliver, ed. Neither. Brussels: Mendes Wood DM, 2019.

    One hundred drawings. New York: Matthew Marks Gallery, 2019.


    Gauthier, Michel. Le temps des intermèdes. Geneva: MAMCO Musée d’Art Moderne et Contemporain; Dijon, France: Les Presses du Réel, 2017.

    Meade, Fionn, and Jordan Carter, eds. Question the Wall Itself. Minneapolis: Walker Art Center, 2017.

    Manné, Jamie G., ed. Unpacking the Marciano Collection. Los Angeles: The Maurice and Paul Marciano Art Foundation, 2017.

    Stewart, Garrett. Transmedium: Conceptualism 2.0 and the New Object Art. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2017.


    Dervaux, Isabelle, ed. Dubuffet Drawings, 1935–1962. New York: Thames & Hudson; New York: The Morgan Library & Museum, 2016.

    Fabbris, Eva, ed. Fifty-three Works by Paul Sietsema. Milan: Mousse Publishing, 2016.

    Michaud, Philippe-Alain. Sur le film. Paris: Éditions Macula, 2016.


    Raimondi, Cristiano, and Eva Fabbris, eds. Fausto Melotti: L’Incertezza. Milan: Mousse Publishing, 2015.

    Schröder, Klaus Albrecht, and Elsy Lahner, eds. Drawing Now: 2015. Vienna: Albertina; Munich: Hirmer Verlag, 2015.

    Siegel, Katy, ed. “The heroine Paint”: After Frankenthaler. New York: Gagosian Gallery; New York: Rizzoli International Publications, 2015.


    Burnett Abrams, Nora, Michael Ned Holte, and Sarah Robayo Sheridan. Seven Films by Paul Sietsema. Milan: Mousse Publishing; Denver: Museum of Contemporary Art, 2014.

    Kurzmeyer, Roman, and Eva Schmidt, eds. At Work: Studio and Production as a Subject of Today’s Art. Cologne: Snoeck Verlag, 2014.

    The 21st Century Art Book. London: Phaidon Press, 2014.


    Baker, George, Christopher Bedford, Bill Horrigan, Suzanne Hudson, and Paul Sietsema. Paul Sietsema. Columbus, OH: Wexner Center for the Arts, The Ohio State University, 2013.

    Gourmel, Yoann, and Élodie Royer, eds. A Preface. Bangkok: Messy Sky, 2013.

    Vitamin D2: New Perspectives in Drawing. London: Phaidon Press, 2013.


    Engberg, Siri. Lifelike. Minneapolis: Walker Art Center, 2012.

    Van Horne, Janice. A Complicated Marriage: My Life with Clement Greenberg. Berkeley, CA: Counterpoint Press, 2012.

    Latimer, Quinn, ed. Paul Sietsema: Interviews on films and works. Berlin: Sternberg Press, 2012.

    Michaud, Philippe-Alain. Collection Films: La Collection du Centre Pompidou. Paris: Éditions du Centre Pompidou, 2012.


    Ellegood, Anne, and Douglas Fogle. All of This and Nothing.Los Angeles: Hammer Museum; New York: Prestel, 2011.

    Gilman, Claire, and Lynne Tillman. Drawn from Photography.New York: The Drawing Center, 2011.

    Meade, Fionn, and Richard Aldrich, eds. Time Again. New York: Sculpture Center, 2011.


    Butler, Cornelia, and Bruce Hainley. Figure 3: Paul Sietsema. New York: The Museum of Modern
    Art, 2009.

    Rattemeyer, Christian, ed. Compass in Hand: The Judith Rothschild Foundation Contemporary Drawings Collection, Catalogue Raisonné. New York: The Museum of Modern Art, 2009.

    Selby, Amy. Art and Text. London: Black Dog Publishing, 2009.


    Blanche, Craig. Collage: Assembling Contemporary Art. London: Black Dog Publishing, 2008.

    DiQuinzio, Apsara. New Work: Paul Sietsema. San Francisco: San Francisco Museum of Modern Art, 2008.

    David, F.R. The Book of Intentions. Amsterdam: de Appel Arts Centre, 2008.

    Fogle, Douglas. Life on Mars: 55th Carnegie International. Pittsburgh: Carnegie Museum of Art, 2008.

    When Things Cast No Shadow: Day. Berlin: KW Institute for Contemporary Art, 2008.


    De Corral, Maria, John R. Lane, and Frances Colpitt, eds. Fast Forward: Contemporary Collections for the Dallas Museum of Art. Dallas: Dallas Museum of Art; New Haven: Yale University Press, 2007.

    Ice Cream: Contemporary Art in Culture. London: Phaidon, 2007.

    Lopez, Michelle. Exit Music (For a Film).New York and Munich: Grimm | Rosenfeld, 2007.

    Molok, Nikolai, and Tat’iana Manina. 2 Moscow Biennale of Contemporary Art. Moscow: Moscow Biennale, 2007.


    Coates, Rebecca. Uncanny Nature. Melbourne: Australian Centre for Contemporary Art, 2006.

    Demos, T.J., and Alonso Rodrigo, eds. Vitamin Ph: New Perspectives in Photography. London and New York: Phaidon Press, 2006.

    Jones, Caroline A. Eyesight Alone: Clement Greenberg’s Modernism and the Bureaucratization of the Senses. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 2006.

    Michaud, Philippe-Alain, ed. The Movement of Images. Paris: Centre Pompidou, 2006.


    Birnbaum, Daniel, Gunnar B. Kvaran, and Hans Ulrich Obrist. Uncertain States of America: American Art in the 3rd Millennium. Oslo: Astrup Fearnley Museum of Modern Art, 2005.

    Cueff, Alain. Hyperfocal: Five From LA. Paris: Galerie Nelson, 2005.

    Kraus, Chris, Jan Tumlir, and Jane McFadden, eds. L.A. Artland: Contemporary Art from Los Angeles. London: Black Dog Publishing, 2005.

    Rothfuss, Joan, and Elizabeth Carpenter. Bits & Pieces Put Together to Present a Semblance of a Whole:

    Walker Art Center Collections. Minneapolis: Walker Art Center, 2005.

    Schimmel, Paul, and Gloria Sutton. Ecstasy: In and About Altered States.Los Angeles: The Museum of Contemporary Art, 2005.


    Burkard, Lene, and Cecilie Bepler. Double Floor Painting. Odense, Denmark: Kunsthallen Brandts Koedefabrik, 2004.

    Cotter, Suzanne. Real World: The Dissolving Space: of Experience. Oxford, United Kingdom: Modern Art Oxford, 2004.


    Iles, Chrissie. Empire: Paul Sietsema. New York: Whitney Museum of American Art, 2003.


    Hoet, Jan. Sonsbeek 9. Arnhem, Netherlands: Sonsbeek 9; Los Angeles: Regen Projects, 2001.

    Intra, Giovanni. Bright Paradise: 1st Auckland Triennial. Auckland: New Zealand Triennial, 2001.

    Sladen, Mark. The Americans: New Art. London: Barbican Art Gallery, 2001.


    Hainley, Bruce, and Dennis Cooper. Mise en Scene: New LA Sculpture. Santa Monica, CA: Santa Monica Museum of Art, 2000.

    Kertess, Klaus. 00: Drawings 2000.New York: Barbara Gladstone Gallery, 2000.


    Ohno, Megan. The Perfect Life: Artifice in LA. Durham, NC: Duke University Museum of Art, 1999

  • Selected Articles


    Dayal, Mira. “A String of Tongueless Bells: Francis Irv, New York 13 July–17 August.” ArtReview, October 15, 2024, pp. 88-89.

    Mimms, Walker. "What to See in N.Y.C. Galleries in August: 'A String of Tongueless Bells." The New York Times, August 1, 2024.


    Sietsema, Paul and Eva Fabbris. Anticultural Positions: the Flea Market of History. Pompeii Commitments 40, March 2022.

    “Anything Can Become a Language: Archaeology, Obsolescence and Meaning in Paul Sietsema’s Process of Undoing.” Trebuchet 11, March 2022, pp. 39–47.


    Butler, Connie, and Paul Sietsema. “Busy Signals.” ARTnews 117, no. 4, Winter 2019, pp. 92–95.

    Meister, Carolin. “Überfahrt: Marcel Broodthaer's Archäologie der Vervielfältigung.” Von analogen und digitalen Zugängen zur Kunst, 2019, pp. 225–239.


    Duncan, Thomas. “Paul Sietsema.” Flash Art 50, no. 312, January/February 2017, pp. 74–75.


    Baker, George. “The Black Mirror.” October, no. 158, Fall 2016, pp. 31–66.

    Drohojowska-Philp. “Paul Sietsema at Matthew Marks.”NPR-KCRW, December 15, 2016.

    Griffin, Tim. “Shifting Positionalities.” Mousse Magazine, no. 55, October/November 2016, pp. 122–30.

    Herbert, Martin. “Question the Wall Itself.” Artforum, September 2016, p. 173.

    Knight, Christopher. “Paul Sietsema’s first L.A. Show of New Conceptual Art was Worth the 14-Year Wait.” Los Angeles Times, November 10, 2016, p. E8.

    Muenzer, David. “Paul Sietsema.” Artforum, October 24, 2016 (online).

    Shaw, Michael. “Paul Sietsema.” ArtScene, November/December 2016, pp. 21–22.


    Geers, David. “Paul Sietsema.” Frieze, no. 168, January/February 2015, p. 141.


    Mercurio, Franck. “Paul Sietsema – MCA.” Flash Art 47, no. 295, March/April 2014, pp. 92–93.

    Walsh, Brienne. “Paul Sietsema at Museum of Contemporary Art Chicago.” Modern Painters 26, no. 1, April 2014, p. 92.


    Filipovic, Elena. “Paul Sietsema: Wexner Center for the Arts.” Artforum 51, no. 9, May 2013, p. 156.

    Holte, Michael Ned. “Best of Artforum.” Artforum, December 2013.

    “Museum Previews.” Art in America, July 2013.

    Sietsema, Paul. “Anticultural Positions.” Messy Sky Magazine, Summer 2013, pp. 32–36.

    ———. “Walk through.” Peep-Hole Sheet, no. 15, Winter 2013.

    Soulard, Ida. “Paul Sietsema, ‘The Sentence’, Tulips & Roses, Bruxelles.” Frog, no. 12, 2013, p. 128.

    Williams, Gilda. “Paul Sietsema.” Artforum 51, no. 6, February 2013, p. 255.


    Gauthier, Michel. “Le Macule et le Médiat.” 20/27, no. 6, pp. 128–48.

    Gopnik, Blake. “Painting Paints Itself.” The Daily Beast, June 18, 2012 (online).

    Kennicott, Philip. “‘Shock of the News’ at the National Gallery of Art a fascinating cross section of art news.” The Washington Post, June 20, 2012.

    Meisler, Stanley. “Read All About It: Newspapers as Art in Exhibit.” Los Angeles Times, October 16, 2012 (online).

    Rotella, Carlo. “Recycled Newsprint: ‘Shock of the News,’ on Artists and Newspapers.” The New York Times, November 30, 2012.

    Smyth, Cherry. “Paul Sietsema: The Drawing Room, London.” Art Monthly, no. 361, November 2012, pp. 30–31.

    Stout, Katharine. “More to Meet the Eye.” Tate Etc., no. 24, Spring 2012, p. 11.

    Zakaitis, Jonas. “A Certain Kind of Realism.” Spike Quarterly, Spring 2012, pp. 72–83.


    Bedford, Christopher. “A Project.” Art Journal, Spring 2011, cover, pp. 54–69.

    “Drawn From Photography.” The Art Newspaper, March 2011.

    Esplund, Lance. “Drawn from Photography.” The Wall Street Journal, March 19, 2011.

    Kerr, Merrily. “Paul Sietsema.” Time Out New York, June 2–6, 2011, p. 41.

    Kunitz, Daniel. “Paul Sietsema.” Modern Painters, September 2011, p. 90.

    ———. “Paul Sietsema and the Trompe L ‘Oeil Avant Garde.” Artinfo, May 16, 2011.

    Mizota, Sharon. “‘Open-Ended Works Require an Open Mind.” Los Angeles Times, March 2, 2011, pp. D1, D6.

    Rosenberg, Karen. “Authorship or Translation? Notes toward redefining creativity.” The New York Times, February 25, 2011, p. C26.

    Scott, Andrea K. “Winning Hand.” The New Yorker, March 21, 2011, p. 10.

    Troeller, Jordan. “Paul Sietsema.” Artforum, June 11, 2011.

    Xtina. “See All of This and Nothing at UCLA Hammer Museum.”Wherela, March 11, 2011.


    Baker, Kenneth. “Hauntology: Perception Makes Art Spookier.” San Francisco Chronicle, August 12, 2010, p. F3.

    Clark, Martin. “Reasons to be Cheerful!” Frieze131, May 2010, p. 96.

    Coxhead, Gabriel. “Paul Sietsema.” Time Out New York(London), July 25, 2010, p. 37.

    Fite-Wassilak, Chris. “Paul Sietsema.” Frieze 134, October 2010, p. 245.

    Hamilton, Julia E. “A Spectre is Haunting Berkeley.” ArtSlant, August 2, 2010.

    Hosman, Hayley. “BAM Conjures the Ghost of Hauntology.” The Daily Californian, July 15, 2010.

    Johnson, Ken. “Spirals of Self-Reflection, Made by Methods Mysterious.” The New York Times, January 8, 2010, p. C34.

    Prince, Mark. “Gordon Matta-Clark.” Frieze 134, October 2010.

    ––––. “Art and Illusionism.” Art Monthly339, September 2010, pp. 11–14.

    ––––. “Paul Sietsema.” Art in America 98, no. 10, November 2010, pp. 191–92.

    “Paul Sietsema.” The Guardian Guide, July 3­–9, 2010.

    Stander, Sam. “Against Nostalgia.” San Francisco Bay Guardian, July 20, 2010.

    Wing, Liz. “Hauntology.” The Brooklyn Rail, September 2010.


    “El Museo Reina Sofia inicia el programa ‘Fisuras’ con Paul Sietsema.” Adn, March 15, 2009.

    Goldstein, Andrew. “Dig It: Paul Sietsema at MoMA.” cityArts, December 3, 2009.

    “Paul Sietsema.” The New Yorker, November 2, 2009, p. 16.

    “Paul Sietsema en las ‘Fisuras’ del Reina Sofía.” Revista de Arte, May 19, 2009.

    Rosenberg, Karen. “3 Artists Selected by Dan Graham and a Work by Dan Graham.” The New York Times, May 8, 2009, p. C29.

    “Sietsema inaugura ‘Fisuras’ en el Museo Reina Sofía.” El Mundo, May 19, 2009.

    Velasco, David. “Dance: Best of 2009.” Artforum 48, December 2009, p. 69.


    Bankowsky, Jack. “Paul Sietsema: Figure 3.” Artforum 47, December 2008, p. 273.

    Herbert, Martin. “5th Berlin Biennial.” Frieze, May 2008, pp. 165–66.

    Knight, Christopher. “Extraterrestrial Earthlings Find ‘Life.’”Los Angeles Times, May 7, 2008, pp. E1, E6–E7.

    Johnson, Ken. “Modernist Optimism and Postmodernist Doubt.” The New York Times, August 22, 2008, p. E29.

    Morrone, Francis. “Changing Times, Changing Notions: ‘Progress’ at the Whitney.” The New York Sun, August 14, 2008.

    Muchnic, Suzanne. “Goes the Old-Fashion Way.” Los Angeles Times, May 21, 2008, pp. E1, E12.

    Schwarting, Jen. “Progress.” The Brooklyn Rail, October 2008, p. 31.

    Searle, Adrian. “Toil and Rubble.” The Guardian, April 8, 2008.

    Sietsema, Paul. “The Famous Last Words.” F.R. David, Winter 2008, pp. 182–87.

    Smith, Roberta. “An Alien Sighting on Planet Pittsburgh.” The New York Times, May 9, 2008, pp. B25–B26.

    Vesters, Christel. “Paul Sietsema.” Flash Art41, July/September 2008, p. 254.

    West, Kevin. “Shape Shifter.”W Magazine, April 2008, p. 182.

    “Whitney Museum of American Art.” The New Yorker, September 25, 2006, p. 16.


    “Anne Collier & Paul Sietsema: Discipline.” The Wrong Times, pp. 3–4.

    Blom, Ina. “The Young Americans.” Texte zur Kunst, no. 61, March 2006.

    Cueff, Alain. “L’empire de la vision: Paul Sietsema, ‘Empire’, 2002.” Cahiers du Musée National d’Art Moderne, Centre Pompidou, no. 98, Winter 2006/07, pp. 22–29.

    Hainley, Bruce. “Activiteit Los Angeles, DEEL 2: Vluchtige notities 1985–2006.” Metropolis M27, no. 3, June/July 2006, pp. 75–79.

    Sietsema, Paul. “Focus Los Angeles: Paul Sietsema.” Flash Art 39, January/February 2006, pp. 68–75.

    “Some Notes on Content.” Uncertain States of America: America in the 3rd Millennium, December 2006, pp. 102–05.


    Black, Ezrha Jean. “Ecstasy.” Art US 11, December /January 2005–06.

    Gronlund, Melissa. “A Certain Tendency in Representation.” Frieze, November/December 2005, p. 146.

    Hall, James. “‘Real World.’” Artforum 43, no. 6, February 2005, p. 186.

    Knight, Christopher. “Take a Mind Excursion.” Los Angeles Times, October 11, 2005, pp. E1, E5.

    Pincus, Robert L. “Alter Your State of Mind at ‘Ecstasy.’” San Diego Union Tribune, November 20, 2005.


    “Art Acquisitions in 2003: Paul Sietsema.” American Patrons of the Tate: Annual Report 2003, 2003, pp. 22–23.

    Harrison, Sara. “Real World: The Dissolving Space of Experience.” Art Monthly, no. 281, November 2004, pp. 36–37.

    Sietsema, Paul. “Ground Control.” Artforum 43, no. 2, October 2004, pp. 152, 286, 288.


    Anton, Saul. “Paul Sietsema.”Artforum 41, no. 10, June 2003, p. 183.

    Baker, George, Matthew Buckingham, Hal Foster, Chrissie Iles, Anthony McCall, and Malcolm Turvey. “Round Table: The Projected Image in Contemporary Art.” October 104, Spring 2003, p. 85.

    Fence Magazine 6, no. 1, 2003, p. 96.

    Menin, Samuele, and Valentine Sansone. “Focus Video and Film: Contemporary Video Art (Part II).” Flash Art, March/April 2003, p. 98.

    Myers, Terry. “Paul Sietsema: Form Projector.” Contemporary 57, November 2003, pp. 32–35.

    “Paul Sietsema: Empire.” The New Yorker, April 21, 2003, p. 36.

    Smith, Roberta. “Art in Review: Paul Sietsema, ‘Empire.’” The New York Times, May 23, 2003, p. E36.

    Wilkin, Karen. “Paul Sietsema at the Whitney.” Art in America 91, no. 10, October 2003, pp. 127–28.


    Art & Auction
    , October 2002, p. 44.

    Hainley, Bruce. “Best of 2002.” Artforum, December 2002, pp. 128–29.

    ———. “Model Theory.”Frieze71, November/December 2002, pp. 90–93.

    Helfand, Glen. “Los Angeles Critics’ Pick: Paul Sietsema.” Artforum, September 2002.

    ———. “Work That Seems to Hold That Thought.” Los Angeles Times, July 29, 2002, pp. F1, F11.

    Iles, Chrissie. “Best of 2002.” Artforum, December 2002, p. 27.

    Knight, Christopher. “In the Tiniest Gestures, Delicacy on an Epic Scale.” Los Angeles Times, October 4, 2002, pp. F25–F25.

    Rinder, Lawrence. “Film Set.” Nest17, Summer 2002, pp. 92–99.

    Sietsema, Paul. “Paul Sietsema.” Charley1, January 2002.

    Smee, Sebastian. “Empire, by Paul Sietsema, Regen Projects, Los Angeles.” The Art Newspaper 13, no. 9, October 2002, p. 9.


    Baker, Kenneth. “Just Look at the Sculpture and There is Los Angeles.” San Francisco Chronicle, January 27, 2001, pp. B1, B10.

    Corrigan, Susan. “New York Sucks!” I-D, October 2001, pp. 184–90.

    Cooper, Jacqueline. “Shiny Happy People: Art and Special Effects.” New Art Examiner, July/August 2001, p. 74.

    Darwent, Charles. “Visual Art: American Art is Different Now.” The Independent, October 28, 2001.

    Hackworth, Nick. “Puddles, Plants and One Small Joy.” The Evening Standard, November 6, 2001.

    Herbert, Martin. “States of the Art.”ArtReview, October 2001, p. 51.

    Knight, Christopher. “A Little of This.” Los Angeles Times, June 22, 2001, p. F22.

    Shamash, Diane. “Nature, Faith and Commerce.” Art in America, December 2001, pp. 38–42.

    Sietsema, Paul. “Paul McCarthy by Paul Sietsema.” Issue 5, 2001, pp. 148–53.

    Yablonsky, Linda. “Downtown Armory: Surviving the Growing Pains.” Art and Auction, no. 4, April 2001, p. 74.


    Blackwell, Josh. “’Mise-en-Scene’ at Santa Monica Museum of Art.” Art Issues, no. 64, September/October 2000, p. 56.

    Hainley, Bruce. “Towards a Funner Laocoön.” Artforum38, no. 10, Summer 2000, pp. 166–73.

    Knight, Christopher. “A Web of Illusion.” Los Angeles Times, June 28, 2000, pp. F1, F10.

    ———. “Young L.A. Sculptors.” Los Angeles Times, December 24, 2000, p. 67.

    “Paul Sietsema.” ZOO6, August 2000, p. 198.

    Bartolucci, Noah. “A Critical Look at L.A. Myths.” Dialogue, April 4, 1999, p. 5.

    Greenberg, Blue. “Artifice Makes Arty Reality in Duke Exhibit.” The Herald Sun, April 16, 1999, p. 4.

    Hainley, Bruce. “Openings: Paul Sietsema.” Artforum 37, no. 6, February 1999, p. 86.

    ———. “Paul Sietsema: Showing What's Missing.” Interview, June 1999, p. 50.

    Kauffman, Susan. “...A Perfect image of L.A.” The New Observer, April 13, 1999, p. 12.

    Natale, Michele. “West Meets East.” Spectator, May 18, 1999, p. 23.

    Twardy, Chuck. “Home on the Strange.” What's Up, May 14, 1999, p. 25.


    Delaney, Ella. “Mark Grotjahn, Paul Sietsema, and Brent Petersen.” Art Papers 22, January/February 1998, p. 40.

    ZYZZYVA14, no. 1, Spring 1998, p. 151 (reproduction of Hospital Drawing, 1996).


    Helfand, Glen. “Brent Petersen, Mark Grotjahn, Paul Sietsema.” San Francisco Bay Guardian, August 16, 1997, p. 28.


    Fazzolari, Bruno. “Mark Grotjahn and Paul Sietsema at Four Walls.” Artweek 27, May 1996, p. 21.

    Hankwitz, Molly. “Mark Grotjahn and Paul Sietsema.” Art Papers 20, July/August 1996, pp. 54–55.

  • Selected Interviews


    Warren, Lynne, and Paul Sietsema. In Paul Sietsema. Chicago: Museum of Contemporary Art Chicago, 2013.


    Didžiapetris, Gintaras, and Paul Sietsema. “Gintaras Didžiapetris talks with Paul Sietsema.” The Federal, no. 2, October 2011, pp. 21–28.

    Walleston, Aimee, and Paul Sietsema. “Photo Finish: Q+A With Paul Sietsema.” Art in America, May 13, 2011.


    Mull, Carter, and Paul Sietsema. “Paul Sietsema: Interview with Carter Mull.” Marcel 3, September 2010, pp. 2, 6–7.


    Berardini, Andrew, and Paul Sietsema. “Forever and Never Hit Bottom: Interview with Paul Sietsema.” Mousse Magazine 16, December 2008/January 2009, pp. 26–29.

    Hainley, Bruce, and Paul Sietsema. “Skeleton Key: A Conversation with Paul Sietsema.” InFigure 3: Paul Sietsema. New York: Museum of Modern Art, 2009, pp. 41–51.


    Subotnik, Ali, and Paul Sietsema. “1,000 Words: Paul Sietsema Talks about Figure 3, 2008.” Artforum 46, no. 7, March 2008, cover, pp. 338–41.


    Cornand, Brigitte, and Paul Sietsema. “Hyper Focal- Interview with Paul Sietsema and Lisa Lapinski.” Radio Nova (Paris), Broadcast on March 20, 2005.

    Cueff, Alain, and Paul Sietsema. “Interview with Paul Sietsema and Alain Cueff.” In Hyperfocal - Five From LA. Paris: Galerie Nelson, 2005, pp. 26–29, 66–68.


    Intra, Giovanni, and Paul Sietsema. “Paul Sietsema: Empire.” Flash Art 36, January/February 2003, pp. 82–83.


    Pettibon, Raymond, and Paul Sietsema. “Paul Sietsema by Raymond Pettibon.” Issue 4, 2000, pp. 146–51.

  • Books by the Artist


    Sietsema, Paul. At the Hour of Tea. San Francisco: RITE Editions and Sternberg Press, 2014.


    Sietsema, Paul. Construction of Vision. Arnhem, Netherlands: Sonsbeek 9; Los Angeles: Regen Projects, 2001.