Matthew Marks Gallery

Katharina Fritsch

  • Born: Essen, Germany, 1956

    Education: Kunstakademie, Düsseldorf, 1977
    Completed advanced studies in 1981 after studying with Fritz Schwegler

    2001 – 2010
    Professor at Kunstakademie Münster

    2010 – 2019
    Professor at Kunstakademie Düsseldorf

    Currently lives and works in Düsseldorf.

  • One-Person Exhibitions


    Matthew Marks Gallery, New York


    George Economou Collection, Athens (catalogue)


    Matthew Marks Gallery, Los Angeles


    6. Stilleben (6th Still Life), Cantor Arts Center, Stanford University, CA


    Multiples, Walker Art Center, Minneapolis
    Matthew Marks Gallery, New York
    Kunstraum St. Georgen, Hansestadt Wismar, Germany


    Zita – Щapa: Chamber Piece by Katharina Fritsch and Alexej Koschkarow, Schaulager, Basel (catalogue)
    Museum Folkwang and Villa Hügel, Essen, Germany (catalogue)
    Hahn/Cock, National Gallery of Art, Washington, DC


    Asklepios 8, Novartis Campus, Basel


    Postcards, Contemporary Art Museum St. Louis


    Hahn/Cock, Fourth Plinth, Trafalgar Square, London


    The Art Institute of Chicago


    Nordrhein-Westfälische Akademie der Wissenschaften und der Künste, Düsseldorf


    Kunsthaus Zürich. Traveled to Deichtorhallen Hamburg (catalogue)


    Tischgesellschaft, Zollamt, Museum für Moderne Kunst, Frankfurt
    Matthew Marks Gallery, New York


    Palazzina dei Giardini, Galleria dell Civica, Modena, Italy


    White Cube, London
    Parkhaus, Düsseldorf


    Matthew Marks Gallery, New York


    Matthew Marks Gallery, New York


    Rattenkönig / Rat-King, Schaulager, Basel (permanent installation)


    K21 Kunstsammlung Nordrhein-Westfalen, Düsseldorf (catalogue)


    Museum of Contemporary Art, Chicago (catalogue)
    Tate Modern, London (catalogue)
    Katharina Fritsch, Robert Gober, Museum für Moderne Kunst, Frankfurt (catalogue)


    Matthew Marks Gallery, New York
    Multiples, Kunstforum Bâloise, Basel


    Damenwahl (with Alexej Koschkarow), Kunsthalle Düsseldorf (catalogue)
    White Cube, London
    Städtische Galerie, Wolfsburg, Germany (catalogue)


    New Work, Matthew Marks Gallery, New York
    San Francisco Museum of Modern Art. Traveled to Museum für Gegenwartskunst, Basel (catalogue)
    Ludwigforum, Aachen, Germany


    German Pavilion (with Martin Honert and Thomas Ruff), Venice Biennale (catalogue)


    Dia Center for the Arts, New York (catalogue)


    Galerie Rüdiger Schöttle, Munich


    Westfälischer Kunstverein, Münster, Germany (catalogue)
    Portikus, Frankfurt
    Galerie Ghislaine Hussenot, Paris


    Kunsthalle Basel (catalogue)
    Institute of Contemporary Arts, London


    Kaiser Wilhelm Museum, Krefeld, Germany (catalogue)


    Galerie Johnen & Schöttle, Cologne


    Galerie Rüdiger Schöttle (with Thomas Ruff), Munich

  • Selected Group Exhibitions


    Iconoclasts: Selections from Glenstone’s Collection, Glenstone, Potomac, MD
    Reaching for the Stars: From Maurizio Cattelan to Lynette Yiadom-Boakye, Fondazione Palazzo Strozzi, Florence, Italy
    E* Contemporary Art in the Garden, Museum of Modern Art, New York
    The Embodied Spirit, White Cube, Seoul


    Put It This Way: (Re)Visions of the Hirshhorn Collection, Hirshhorn Museum and Sculpture Garden, Washington, DC
    Qatar Creates, Doha
    Bibliomania: Das Buch in der Kunst, Villa Zanders, Bergisch Gladbach, Germany
    The Milk of Dreams
    , Venice Biennale
    My Reflection of You, The Perimeter, London
    Put It This Way: (Re)Visions of the Hirshhorn Collection, Hirshhorn Museum and Sculpture Garden, Washington, D.C.
    Schatzhaus und Labor: 25 Jahre Museum Kurhaus Kleve, Germany
    Sweet Lust, White Cube, Paris


    Katharina Fritsch Gotthard Graubner Andreas Gursky Rosemarie Trockel: Raum Zeit Stille, Galerie Schwarzer, Düsseldorf


    Continuously Contemporary: New Works from the Emanuel Hoffman Foundation, Museum für Gegenwartskunst at the Kunstmuseum Basel
    Kunst aus Deutschland unterwegs, Kunstpalast, Minsk
    Mäuse – Feinde, Freunde, Spiegelbilder, Museum Brot und Kunst, Forum Welternährung, Ulm, Germany
    MOVING ENERGIES: 10 Years, me Collectors Room, Berlin
    Neuerwerbungen Herbst 2020, Galerie Ludorff, Düsseldorf
    (Self) Portraits, Parkett Exhibition Space, Zurich


    5 Ways In: Themes from the Collection, Walker Art Center, Minneapolis
    Alles Farbe!: Jörn Stoya und die Sammlung des Museum Morsbroich, Museum Morsbroich, Leverkusen, Germany
    Feine Früchtchen: Obst in illustrierten Pflanzenbüchern und moderner Kunst, Museum im Prediger Schwäbisch-Gmünd, Germany


    Basel Short Stories: Von Erasmus bis Iris von Roten, Kunstmuseum Basel
    The Earth is Flat, Carriage Trade, New York
    Unexchangeable, WIELS, Contemporary Art Centre, Brussels
    El sueño de la razón produce monstruos, Museo de Arte Miguel Urrutia, Bogotá
    People, Deitch Projects, New York
    If Everything Is Sculpture Why Make Sculpture? Artist’s Choice: Peter Fischli, The Museum of Modern Art, New York
    A TIME CAPSULE: Works Made by Women for Parkett, 1984–2017, Parkett Space, Zurich


    COLORI L’emozione dei COLORI nell’arte, Castello di Rivoli, Turin, Italy
    Chicago, Ibiza, etc., Galerie nächst St. Stephan Rosemarie Schwarzwälder, Vienna
    Paradigm of Art: Contemporary Art of Germany, CAFA Art Museum, Beijing
    200 Jahre Aufbau, Kunstverein in Hamburg
    Unerwartete Begegnungen. Nolde, Kippenberger, Fritsch & Co. in der Sammlung der Westfälischen Provinzial, LWL-Museum für Kunst und Kultur, Münster, Germany


    Life Itself, Moderna Museet, Stockholm
    Iconoclastic gestures, heterodox images, Fundació “la Caixa”, Barcelona
    Autonom und profan: Skulptur Projekte im Territorium der Kirche, LWL-Museum für Kunst und Kultur, Münster, Germany
    Sculpture on the Move: 1946–2016, Museum für Gegenwartskunst at the Kunstmuseum Basel (catalogue)
    Pavlova's Dawg and Other Works by Gallery Artists, Matthew Marks Gallery, Los Angeles
    Mary & der Vulkan (Mary & the volcano), Kunst im Tunnel, Düsseldorf
    Embracing the Contemporary: The Keith L. and Katherine Sachs Collection, Philadelphia Museum of Art
    Big Picture: Art After 1945, Seattle Art Museum
    Viaje alrededor del mundo, Museo de Arte de Zapopan, Mexico
    Broken White, Van Abbemuseum, Eindhoven, Netherlands
    Mikro Makro – Das Große im Kleinen entdecken, Nordrhein-Westfälischen Akademie der Wissenschaften und der Künste, Düsseldorf


    The Shell, Almine Rech Gallery, New York
    Heartbreak Hotel, Zuecca Project Space, Venice
    Artist Rooms, Staatsgalerie Stuttgart, Germany
    Future Present, Schaulager, Basel
    Sommer Nacht Traum, Museum Sinclair-Haus, Bad Homburg vor der Höhe, Germany
    10 Sculptures, Matthew Marks Gallery, Los Angeles
    The Great Mother, Fondazione Nicola Trussardi, Milan
    I am because of you, Yuan Space, Beijing
    Top Hundred, Museion, Bolzano, Italy
    No Place Like Home, Brigham Young University Museum of Art, Provo, UT
    The Problem of God, K21 Kunstsammlung Nordrhein-Westfalen, Dusseldorf
    Mythologies comparées, Roland Barthes, Chapelle du Carmel, Libourne, France
    Madonna: Frau—Mutter—Kultfigur, Niedersächsisches Landesmuseum Hanover, Germany
    A Few Free Years: From Absalon to Zobernig, Hamburger Bahnhof, Berlin
    No Man’s Land, Rubell Family Collection, Miami (catalogue)
    The New Contemporary, The Art Institute of Chicago (catalogue)


    Sculpture, Matthew Marks Gallery, New York
    Early Works, Galerie Johnen, Berlin
    Room Service: On the Hotel in the Arts and Artists in the Hotel, Staatliche Kunsthalle Baden-Baden, Germany
    Loveless, Greene Naftali Gallery, New York
    Auf der Spur der Erfindung—Bildhauer zeichnen,Akademie-Galerie - Die Neue Sammlung, Düsseldorf
    The Paths of German Art from 1949 to the present, Moscow Museum of Modern Art
    A Secret Affair: Selections from the Fuhrman Family Collection, The Contemporary Austin. Traveled to The FLAG Art Foundation, New York
    The Human Factor: The Figure in Contemporary Sculpture, Hayward Gallery, London
    Manifesta 10: The European Biennial of Contemporary Art, The State Hermitage Museum, Saint Petersburg, Russia
    Basic Research: Notes on the Collection, Museum Kurhaus Kleve, Germany
    Use me, Herbert Foundation, Ghent, Belgium
    Peter Fischli David Weiss, Katharina Fritsch, Martin Honert, Gary Hume, Matthew Marks Gallery, New York
    Summer Group Exhibition, Matthew Marks Gallery, New York
    The Bilderberg Collection, St. Moritz Art Masters, Chesa Planta, Samedan, Switzerland
    One Million Years – System and Symptom, Kunstmuseum Basel
    Sculpture After Sculpture, Moderna Museet, Stockholm (catalogue)
    A Tribute to Anita Reiner, The Phillips Collection, Washington, DC
    Boom She Boom: Works from the MMK Collection, Museum für Moderne Kunst, Frankfurt
    At the Hub of Things: New Views of the Collection, Hirshhorn Museum and Sculpture Garden, Washington, DC


    FULL HOUSE, Galerie Schönewald Fine Arts, Xanten, Germany
    Out of the Ordinary, Hirshhorn Museum and Sculpture Garden, Washington, DC
    People: Selected Parkett Artists’ Editions (1984–2013), Parkett Space, Zurich
    Sculpture at the Düsseldorf Art Academy: 1945 to the Present, K20 Kunstsammlung Nordrhein-Westfalen, Düsseldorf
    Dreams of Venice, L’Institut Culturel Bernard Magrez, Château Labottière, Bordeaux, France
    Images for Images, Artists for Tichy – Tichy for Artists, GASK – Gallery of the Central Bohemian Region, Kutná Hora, Czech Republic
    PARKETT – 220 Artists Editions & Collaborations since 1984, Taipei Fine Arts Museum
    Coulisses, Frac Nouvelle-Aquitaine MÉCA, Bordeaux, France
    Collection Sandretto Re Rebaudengo: Have you seen me before?, Whitechapel Gallery, London
    Travelling the world: Art from Germany, ZKM Center for Art and Media, Karlsruhe, Germany


    Schaulager Satellite, Messeplatz Basel / Art Basel
    Darren Almond, Katharina Fritsch, Martin Honert, Gary Hume, Paul Sietsema, Rebecca Warren, Terry Winters, Matthew Marks Gallery, Los Angeles
    Contemporary Art from the Collection, K20 Kunstsammlung Nordrhein-Westfalen, Düsseldorf
    Fourth Plinth: Contemporary Monument, Institute of Contemporary Arts, London
    Katharina Fritsch, Alexej Koschkarow, Galerie Rupert Pfab, Düsseldorf
    Cit Art Foundation, Neues Museum, Nuremberg
    Mein Rasierspiegel—Von Holthuys bis Beuys, Museum Kurhaus Kleve, Germany (catalogue)
    Bildspeicher II, Akademie-Galerie - Die Neue Sammlung, Düsseldorf
    La Beauté animale, Grand Palais, Paris
    10 Jahre Sammlung Rheingold, Schloss Dyck, Jüchen, Germany. Traveled to Kunsthalle Düsseldorf; Museum Ludwig, Cologne; Städtisches Museum Abteiberg, Mönchengladbach, Germany; and Museum für Gegenwartskunst, Siegen, Germany
    Think Twice: Twenty Years of Contemporary Art from Collection Sandretto Re Rebaudengo, Whitechapel Gallery, London (catalogue)


    Dreamscapes, Pulitzer Foundation for the Arts, Saint Louis

    Identidad Femenina en la colección del IVAM, Memorial da América Latina, São Paulo. Traveled to Museu de Arte Contemporânea do Centro Dragão do Mar de Arte e Cultura, Fortaleza, Brazil; Museo de Arte Moderno de Buenos Aires; Museo de Arte Moderno de Bogotá, Colombia; Museo de Arte Contemporáneo, Santiago, Chile; and Museo Nacional de Artes Visuales, Montevideo, Uruguay (catalogue)
    Black Swan: The Exhibition, Regen Projects, Los Angeles
    DogCatMouse, Kunsthaus Zürich
    Oceanomania: Souvenirs of Mysterious Seas, Villa Paloma, Monaco
    No Substitute, Glenstone, Potomac, MD
    Figure in the Garden, The Museum of Modern Art, New York
    Entfesselte Welten, KunstFestSpiele Herrenhausen, Hanover, Germany
    ILLUMInations, Venice Biennale
    Beziehungsarbeit: Kunst und Institution, Künstlerhaus, Vienna (catalogue)
    MMK 1991–2011: 20 Years of the Contemporary, Museum für Moderne Kunst, Frankfurt
    Nod Nod Wink Wink: Conceptual Art in New Mexico and Its Influences, The Harwood Museum of Art, Taos, NM
    Contemporary Galleries: 1980–Now, The Museum of Modern Art, New York
    Donne Donne Donne, Fondazione Pier Luigi E Nataline Remotti, Camogli, Italy
    Vor dem Gesetz. Skulpturen der Nachkriegszeit und Räume der Gegenwartskunst, Museum Ludwig, Cologne
    The Deer, Le Consortium, Dijon, France


    Silent Revolution, K21 Kunstsammlung Nordrhein-Westfalen, Düsseldorf

    Objectes Desclassificats, CaixaForum, Barcelona

    Conversation Pieces: Act III, Galerie Johnen, Berlin

    Was tun? Was geschieht? Zeitgenössische Kunst aus der Sammlung Rheingold, Stiftung Schloss Dyck, Jüchen, Germany

    Larger Than Life – Stranger Than Fiction, Triennale Fellbach, Fellbach, Germany (catalogue)
    Alpha Omega—Works from the Dakis Joannou Collection, DESTE Foundation for Contemporary Art, Athens
    Contemporary Collecting: Selections from the Donna and Howard Stone Collection, The Art Institute of Chicago

    Intensif-Station, K21 Kunstsammlung Nordrhein-Westfalen, Düsseldorf
    Lebenslust & Totentanz, Kunsthalle Krems, Austria

    IVAM Donaciones, Institut Valencià d'Art Modern, Spain
    Fourth Plinth Finalists, St Martin-in-the-Fields, London
    Gwangju Biennial, South Korea

    New Work: Katharina Fritsch, Robert Gober, Nan Goldin, Andreas Gursky, Martin Honert, Charles Ray, Terry Winters, Matthew Marks Gallery, New York
Analysis of Flight Data: Art of the 80s: A Düsseldorf Perspective, K21 Kunstsammlung Nordrhein-Westfalen, Düsseldorf

    Luc Tuymans: A Vision of Central Europe, Grootseminarie, Bruges, Belgium


    Sculpture in the IVAM's Collection, Institut Valencià d'Art Modern, Spain

    KölnSkulptur 5, Stiftung Skulpturenpark Köln 

    Bestandsaufnahme III: Open Exchange, Städtische Galerie, Wolfsburg, Germany

    Le Sort Probable de L'homme qui avait avalé le Fantôme, Centre des Monuments Nationaux Conciergerie, Paris

    75 Years of Looking Forward, San Francisco Museum of Modern Art
    Event Horizon, Walker Art Center, Minneapolis

    Benches & Binoculars, Walker Art Center, Minneapolis


    Color Chart: Reinventing Color, 1950 to Today, The Museum of Modern Art, New York. Traveled to Tate Liverpool, United Kingdom
    The Color of Life, The Getty Villa, Los Angeles
    You Dig The Tunnel, I’ll Hide The Soil, White Cube Hoxton Square and Shoreditch Town Hall, London
    Von Gerhard Richter bis Rebecca Horn: Werke aus der Sammlung zeitgenössischer Kunst der Bundesrepublik Deutschland, Kunst- und Ausstellungshalle der Bundesrepublik Deutschland, Bonn
    We are Stardust, We Are Golden. Woman at Johnen + Schöttle since 1984, Johnen + Schöttle, Cologne
    Ad Absurdum: Energien des Absurden von der klassischen Moderne zur Gegenwart, MARTa Herford, Germany
    God & Goods – Spirituality and Mass Confusion, Villa Manin Center for Contemporary Art, Codroipo, Italy
    Kavalierstart 1978–1982: Aufbruch in die Kunst der 80er, Museum Morsbroich, Leverkusen, Germany
    Painting Now and Forever, Matthew Marks Gallery, New York
    Parkhaus, Kunsthalle Düsseldorf
    Avantgarde aus Westfalen, Kunstmuseum Ahlen, Germany


    I Want to Believe, Galerie Eva Presenhuber, Zurich
    Disorder in the house, Vanhaerents Art Collection, Brussels (catalogue)
    Art Contemporain en Allemagne, Palais der Schönen Künste, Brussels
    Schlaf & Traum, Deutsches Hygiene-Museum, Dresden, Germany
    Rockers Island, Olbricht Collection,Folkwang Museum, Essen, Germany
    Paper, Fisher Landau Center for Art, New York
    If Everybody Had an Ocean: Brian Wilson: An Art Exhibition, Tate St Ives, United Kingdom
    Dead! Dead! Dead!, Ydessa Hendeles Art Foundation, Toronto
    Summer Exhibition 2007, Royal Academy of Arts, London
    Bodycheck – 10. Triennale der Kleinplastik in Fellbach, Kulturstiftung des Bundes, Fellbach, Germany
    Door Cycle, Friedrich Petzel Gallery, New York
    Als wäre nichts gesagt: Kunst der 80er Jahre aus den Sammlungen der Kunstmuseen Krefeld, Museum Hause Esters/Haus Lange, Krefeld, Germany
    The Eclectic Eye: Pop and Illusion, Selections from the Frederick R. Weisman Art Foundation, Colorado Springs Fine Art Center
    A Conversation in Three Dimensions, Philadelphia Museum of Art
    I Am as You Will Be, Cheim & Reid, New York
    True Romance. Allegories of Love from the Renaissance to the Present, Kunsthalle Wien. Traveled to Museum Villa Stuck, Munich; and Kunsthalle zu Kiel, Germany (catalogue)


    EGOmania, Palazzina dei Giardini, Modena, Italy
    Figures in the Field, Museum of Contemporary Art, Chicago
    We Humans are Free: From the Collection of S.M.A.K., Museum of Contemporary Art, Ghent, 21st Century Museum of Contemporary Art, Kanazawa, Japan
    Wettbewerb Hafencity, Hamburger Architektur Sommer
    Lang leve Beeldhouwkunst!, Middelheimmuseum, Antwerp, Belgium
    Dark Matter, White Cube, London
    bidibidobidiboo, Fondazione Sandretto Re Rebaudengo, Turin, Italy
    No Negative, Objectif Exhibitions, Antwerp, Belgium
    Small Sculpture, Matthew Marks Gallery, New York
    Radar: Selections from the Collection of Vicki & Kent Logan, Denver Art Museum (catalogue)
    Eye on Europe: Prints, Books & Multiples/1960 to Now, The Museum of Modern Art, New York
    Six Feet Under: Autopsy of our Relation to the Dead, Kunstmuseum Bern. Traveled to Deutsches Hygiene-Museum, Dresden, Germany
    Anos 80, Uma Topologia, Museu de Serralves, Porto, Portugal
    No Negative, objectif_exhibitions, Antwerpen, Belgium
    Art Metropole: The Top 100, National Gallery of Canada, Ottawa
    Women of Europe, The Citadel, Saint-Tropez, France


    Skulls—Images in the face of death, Schönewald Fine Arts, Xanten, Germany
    Universal Experience: Art, Life and the Tourist's Eye, Museum of Contemporary Art, Chicago. Traveled to Hayward Gallery, London; and MART, Rovereto, Italy
    Zwischen Tür und Angel, Landesmuseum, Münster, Germany
    Long Playing, Barbara Krakow Gallery, Boston
    Simple(s) & Elémentaire(s), FRAC Aquitaine, Musée de Gajac, Villeneuve-sur-Lot, France
    Mythologies, Walker Art Center, Minneapolis
    Spielräume, Lehmbruck Museum, Duisburg, Germany
    Enchanté Château, Fondation pour l’Art Contemporain, Alex, France
    Van Gogh bis Beuys, CROSSART: Meisterwerke der Moderne aus zehn deutschen und niederländischen Museen, Bundeskunsthalle, Bonn
    Blickachsen, Museum Kurhaus Kleve, Germany
    Flashback, Museum fur Gegenwartskunst, Basel
    In Passing: Professors of the Kunstakademie Münster in Dialogue with the Collection,Westfälisches Landesmuseum, Münster, Germany
    Donna Donne, Palazzo Strozzi, Florence
    Hot Needle: Graphic Works of the 1980s, City Gallery, Prague
    Jahresgaben 2005, Westfälischer Kunstverein, Münster, Germany
    Zoo Story: An exhibition of animals in art–for the young and young at heart, Fisher Landau Center for Art, New York
    Schöner Leben, Kunsthalle Darmstadt, Germany
    ‘Twas the Night Before…, James Kelly Contemporary, Santa Fe, NM


    100 Artists See God, Contemporary Jewish Museum, San Francisco. Traveled toLaguna Art Museum, Laguna Beach, CA; Institute of Contemporary Arts, London; Contemporary Art Center of Virginia, Virginia Beach; Albright College Freedman Art Gallery, Reading, PA; and Cheekwood Museum of Art, Nashville
    cremers haufen: alltag, prozesse, handlungen, kunst der 60er Jahre und heute, LWL-Museum für Kunst und Kultur, Münster, Germany (catalogue)
    Bodily Space: New Obsessions in Figurative Sculpture, Albright-Knox Gallery, Buffalo
    Sammlung Plum, Museum Kurhaus Kleve, Germany (catalogue)
    Animals, Haunch of Venison, London (catalogue)
    Transcultures, National Museum of Contemporary Art, Athens
    The Eclectic Eye: Selections from the Frederick R. Weisman Art Foundation, New Orleans Museum of Art
    Vanitas, Eitelkeit Van De Ijdelheden,IKOB,Internationales Kunstzentrum Ostbelgien, Eupen, Belgium


    Stacked, D’Amelio Terras, New York
    Maler-Bildhauer aus der Sammlung Garnatz, Städtische Galerie Karlsruhe, Germany
    Strangely Familiar, New York State Museum, Albany
    Coollustre, Collection Lambert, Hotel de Caumont, Avignon, France. Traveled to Galerie für Zeitgenössische Kunst, Leipzig; and Le Magasin, Grenoble, France (catalogue)
    Durchgehend geöffnet, Staatliche Kunsthalle Baden-Baden, Germany
    Torn Between Two Lovers, curated by Katharina Fritsch, Matthew Marks Gallery, New York
    Tierausstellung, Galerie Cora Hölzl, Düsseldorf
    Sukûn-Stille. Über den Wunsch und die Mühsal Kunst zum Beruf zu machen,Museum Folkwang, Essen, Germany (catalogue)
    Sculpture: Darren Almond, Peter Fischli David Weiss, Katharina Fritsch, Robert Gober, Donald Judd, Ellsworth Kelly, Ugo Rondinone, Tony Smith, Matthew Marks Gallery, New York
    Avant, Biennale d’Art Contemporain de Lyon, France
    Fast Forward, ZKM Center for Art and Media, Karlsruhe, Germany
    Supernova: Art of the 1990s from the Logan Collection, San Francisco Museum of Modern Art (catalogue)
    Multiple!/Multiple!, Contemporary Collectors’ Gallery, Roslyn Harbor, NY


    Die Pop Art und die zeitgenössische Bildhauerkunst,Gerhard-Marcks-Haus, Bremen, Germany (catalogue)
    Something, Anything (curated by Nayland Blake), Matthew Marks Gallery, New York
    Sphere, Sir John Soane’s Museum, London
    Shopping, Schirn Kunsthalle Frankfurt. Traveled to Tate Liverpool, United Kingdom
    To Eat or Not to Eat, or the Relations between Art and Questions of Eating, Centro de Arte de Salamanca, Spain
    Wegweiser, Galerie Schönewald Fine Arts, Xanten, Germany


    A Contemporary Cabinet of Curiosities: Selections from the Vicki and Kent Logan Collection, California College of Arts and Crafts, Oakland (catalogue)
    Collaborations with Parkett 1984 to Now, The Museum of Modern Art, New York
    Ohne Zögern: Die Sammlung Olbricht Teil 2, Neues Museum Weserburg, Bremen, Germany
    Und keiner hinkt: 22 Wege vom Schwegler wegzukommen, Museum Kurhaus Kleve, Germany. Traveled to Kunsthalle Düsseldorf; and Tate Modern, London
    Die Sammlung als Bild. Kugelkopf, Städtische Galerie, Waldkraiburg, Germany. Traveled to Kunstverein Neuhausen, Fildern, Germany
    Museum unserer Wünsche, Museum Ludwig, Cologne
    Tenth Anniversary Exhibition, 100 Drawings and Photographs, Matthew Marks Gallery, New York (catalogue)
    The Inward Eye: Transcendence in Contemporary Art,Contemporary Arts Museum, Houston
    Objectif (Camouflage), CCASA-CCAWA Satellite, Center of Contemporary Art of Southern and West Africa, Brussels
    Ex(o)DUS, Haifa Museum of Art, Israel
    Genußscheine, Portikus, Frankfurt
    Fortuna Düsseldorf, Haifa Museum of Art, Israel


    Quotidiana: The Continuity of the Everyday in 20th Century Art, Castello di Rivoli, Turin, Italy
    Around 1984: A Look at Art in the Eighties, The Museum of Modern Art, New York
    Mensch, Expo 2000, Hanover, Germany (catalogue)
    Food for the Mind, Staatsgalerie moderner Kunst im Haus der Kunst, Munich
    ARCHE, Kunstverein Bad Salzdetfurth, Bodenburg, Germany
    Kabinett der Zeichnung: Eine Ausstellung des Kunstfonds, Kunstverein für die Rheinlande und Westfalen, Düsseldorf. Traveled to Kunstverein Lingen, Germany; Kunstsammlung Chemnitz, Germany; and Württembergischer Kunstverein, Stuttgart, Germany
    Szenenwechsel XVIII, Museum für Moderne Kunst, Frankfurt
    The Intuitive Eye: Frederick R. Weisman Collection Exhibition, FIDM/Fashion Institute of Design & Merchandising, Los Angeles
    Hypermental: Wahnhafte Wirklichkeit 1950–2000 von Salvador Dali bis Jeff Koons, Kunsthaus Zürich. Traveled to Hamburger Kunsthalle, Hamburg (catalogue)
    Figurare, Castello di Rivara, Turin, Italy
    Auktion zugunsten des Fußballvereins Fortuna 95 Düsseldorf, Galerie Christine Hölz, Düsseldorf
    Ghosts, Delta Axis @ Marshall Arts, Memphis


    The Eclectic Eye: Selections from the Frederick R. Weisman Collections, California Center of the Arts, Escondido, CA. Traveled to Fashion Institute of Design and Merchandising, Los Angeles
    Looking at Ourselves: Works by Women Artists from the Logan Collection, San Francisco Museum of Modern Art (catalogue)
    Powder, Aspen Art Museum, CO (catalogue)
    The Virginia and Bagley Wright Collection, Seattle Art Museum (catalogue)
    Crosscurrents: New Art from MoMA, Hara Museum of Contemporary Art, Tokyo
    Doppelgänger, Kunsthalle Bremen, Germany (catalogue)
    dAPPERTutto, Venice Biennale
    Das XX, Jahrhundert: Kunst, Kultur, Politik und Gesellschaft in Deutschland, Nationalgalerie, Berlin (catalogue)
    Romancing the Brain, Pittsburgh Center for the Arts (catalogue)
    Almost Warm & Fuzzy: Childhood and Contemporary Art, Des Moines Art Center. Traveled to Cleveland Center for Contemporary Art; Scottsdale Museum of Contemporary Art, AZ; MoMA PS1, New York; Crocker Art Museum, Sacramento; Memphis Brooks Museum of Art; Tacoma Art Museum, WA; Fundació “la Caixa”, Barcelona; and Art Gallery of Hamilton, Canada
    Am Horizont, Kaiser Wilhelm Museum, Krefeld, Germany (catalogue)
    Retrace Your Steps: Remember Tomorrow, Sir John Soane's Museum, London
    Limitiert, Galerie Schönewald und Beuse, Krefeld, Germany
    Save the day! Eine Aktion anlässlich des 60. Geburtstags von Jean-Christophe Ammann, Museum für Moderne Kunst, Frankfurt (catalogue)
    Pretty, nice and fine. Einfach schön, Galerie Schönewald und Beuse, Krefeld, Germany


    Artificial: Figuracions contemporànies, Museu d'Art Contemporani de Barcelona
    Maverick: Jean-Marc Bustamante, Peter Fischli & David Weiss, Katharina Fritsch, Roni Horn, Thomas Schütte, Andreas Slominski, Matthew Marks Gallery, New York
    Rats, Musée d’Histoire Naturelle, Neuchâtel, Switzerland (catalogue)
    Skulptur Figur Weiblich, Landesgalerie Oberösterreich, Linz, Germany (catalogue)
    Fast Forward: Trademarks, Kunstverein Hamburg
    Triennale der Kleinplastik, Göppingen, Germany
    Die Macht des Alters – Strategien der Meisterschaft, Deutsches Historisches Museum/ Kronprinzenpalais Berlin. Traveled to Kunstmuseum Bonn; and Galerie der Stadt Stuttgart, Germany
    Auf der Spur: Kunst der 90er Jahre im Spiegel von Schweizer Sammlungen, Kunsthalle Zürich
    Im Auftrag: Druckgraphik 1918 bis 1998 für die Schweizerische Graphische Gesellschaft Graphische Sammlung der ETH Zürich, Galerie Kornfeld, Berlin. Traveled to Civica Galleria d'Arte Villa dei Cedri, Bellinzona, Switzerland; and Musée Jenisch, Vevey, Switzerland
    Artist’s Proof - künstlerisch erprobt, Kaiser Wilhelm Museum, Krefeld, Germany. Traveled to Kunsthalle Nürnberg
    Eight People from Europe, Museum of Modern Art, Gunma, Japan
    Hommage à Lidice, Schleswig-Holstein-Haus, Schwerin, Germany
    Kunst und Kunststoff, Deutsches Kunststoff Museum, NRW Forum Kultur und Wirtschaft, Düsseldorf


    Pro Lidice, National Museum Prague
    Die Sammlung der Dresdner Bank, Dresdner Bank, Frankfurt
    Die Epoche der Moderne: Kunst im 20. Jahrhundert, Martin-Gropius-Bau, Berlin
    On the Edge: Contemporary Art from the Werner and Elaine Dannheisser Collection, The Museum of Modern Art, New York (catalogue)
    Miniaturen heute - today - aujourd'hui - oggi, Deichtorhallen Hamburg
    Biennale de Lyon, Art Contemporain, Lyon, France (catalogue)
    Infra-slim Spaces, Soros Contemporary Center for Art, Kiev, Ukraine
    Sammlung Ackermans, Museum Kurhaus Kleve, Germany


    Everything That’s Interesting is New: The Dakis Joannou Collection, The Factory, Athens School of Fine Arts. Traveled to Museum of Modern Art, Copenhagen; and Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, New York (catalogue)
    Private View, The Bowes Museum, Barnard Castle, County Durham, United Kingdom
    Stilleben – Nature morte: Natura Morta – Still life, Helmhaus Zürich
    Collections du Castello di Rivoli, Nouveau Musée/Institut d’Art Contemporain, Villeurbanne, France
    Thinking Print: Books to Billboards, 1980–1995, The Museum of Modern Art, New York (catalogue)
    En helvetes förvandling - Tysk konst från Nordrhein-Westfalen, Kulturhuset Stockholm
    Sammlung Garnatz,Städtische Galerie Karlsruhe, Germany


    Micromegas, American Center, Paris. Traveled to The Israel Museum, Jerusalem
    Signs & wonders: Niko Pirosmani (1862–1918) and recent art, Kunsthaus Zürich. Traveled to Centro Galego d’Arte Contemporánea, Santiago de Compostela, Spain (catalogue)
    Sleeper: Katharina Fritsch, Robert Gober, Guillermo Kuitca, Doris Salcedo, Museum of Contemporary Art San Diego (catalogue)
    Summer 1995, Matthew Marks Gallery, New York
    Leiblicher Logos: 14 Künstlerinnen aus Deutschland, Institut für Auslandsbeziehungen, Staatsgalerie Stuttgart, Germany. Traveled to Altes Museum, Berlin (catalogue)
    Le domaine du diaphane, Le Domaine de Kerguéhennec, Bignan, France


    K. Fritsch, P. Halley, H. Kiecol, I. Knoebel, S. Levine, R. Prince, Jablonka Galerie, Cologne
    Power Works, Museum of New Zealand, Wellington. Traveled to Govett-Brewster Art Gallery, New Plymouth, New Zealand; Waikato Museum of Art & History, Hamilton, New Zealand; Dunedin Public Art Gallery, New Zealand; and Museum of Contemporary Art, Sydney (catalogue)
    En miniature: Malerei und Skulptur, Galerie Schönewald und Beuse, Krefeld, Germany
    Zimmer in denen die Zeit nicht zählt: Die Sammlung, Udo und Anette Brandhorst, Museum für Gegenwartskunst, Basel (catalogue)
    Même si c'est la nuit, CAPC Musée d'Art Contemporain de Bordeaux, France
    Das Jahrhundert des Multiple, Deichtorhallen Hamburg
    Aura, Secession, Vienna (catalogue)
    Seeing the Unseen, 30 Shepherdess Walk, London
    Young German Art of the 90s from North Rhine-Westphalia, Artsonje Center, Seoul. Traveled to Pao Galleries, Hong Kong Arts Centre; Taipei Fine Arts Museum; Goethe-Institut, Singapore; International Art Gallery, Peking, China; The National Museum of Modern Art, Osaka; and National Gallery, Bangkok (catalogue)
    Arca de Noè/Noah‘s Ark, Works from the Collections of the CAPC Musée de Bordeaux and the FRAC Aquitaine, Fundação de Serralves, Porto, Portugal


    Moving, Foundation De Appel, Amsterdam
    Room 763, Hotel Carlton Palace, Paris (catalogue)
    Lieux de la vie moderne,Centre d'Art Contemporain de Quimper, France


    Doubletake: Collective Memory & Current Art, Hayward Gallery, London. Traveled to Kunsthalle Wien (catalogue)
    Der Teppich des Lebens, Museum Haus Koekkoek, Kleve, Germany
    Ars Pro Domo: Zeitgenössische Kunst aus Kölner Privatbesitz, Museum Ludwig, Cologne (catalogue)
    Post Human, FAE Musée d’Art Contemporain, Pully/Lausanne. Traveled to Castello di Rivoli, Turin, Italy; DESTE Foundation for Contemporary Art, Athens; and Deichtorhallen, Hamburg (catalogue)
    7. Thomas Bernstein, Günther Förg, Katharina Fritsch, Isa Genzken, Hubert Kiecol, Wilhelm Mundt,Thomas Schütte, Galeria Zacheta, Warsaw ( catalogue)
    Oh! Cet écho!, Centre Culturel Suisse, Paris
    Tropismes: Colleción Fundació “la Caixa”, Centre Cultural de la Fundació Caixa de Pensions, Barcelona (catalogue)
    Animals, Galerie Kubinski, Cologne
    Kunstprojekt Heizkraftwerk Römerbrücke, Saarbrücken, Germany


    Metropolis, Martin-Gropius-Bau, Berlin (catalogue)
    Carnegie International 1991, Carnegie Museum of Art, Pittsburgh (catalogue)
    In anderen Räumen (In Other Spaces), Museum Haus Esters/Haus Lange, Krefeld, Germany
    Standpunkt der Moderne. From Picasso to Clemente: Work from the Emanuel Hoffmann-Stiftung Basel, Deichtorhallen Hamburg (catalogue)
    Katharina Fritsch, Robert Gober, Reinhard Mucha, Charles Ray, Rachel Whiteread, Luhring Augustine Gallery, New York
    Galleria Locus Solus, Genova, Italy
    Skulpturen für Krefeld 2, Kaiser Wilhelm Museum, Krefeld, Germany
    Contemporary Art from the Collection of Jason Rubell, Duke University Museum of Art, Durham, NC (catalogue)
    L’espai i la idea: Selecció d‘obres de la collecció d’art contemporani, Fundació “la Caixa,” Barcelona


    Culture and Commentary: An Eighties Perspective,Hirshhorn Museum and Sculpture Garden, Washington, DC (catalogue)
    New Work: A New Generation, San Francisco Museum of Modern Art (catalogue)
    Objectives: The New Sculpture,Newport Harbor Art Museum, Newport Beach, CA (catalogue)
    Weitersehen 1980–1990, Museum Haus Esters/Haus Lange, Krefeld, Germany (catalogue)
    Hanne Darboven, Walter Dahn, Katharina Fritsch, Reinhard Mucha, Rosemarie Trockel, Barbara Gladstone Gallery, New York
    Semi-Objects, John Goode Gallery, New York


    Katharina Fritsch, Martin Honert, and Thomas Ruff, Stichting De Appel, Amsterdam
    What is Contemporary Art? Rooseum Centre for Contemporary Art, Malmö, Sweden
    Color and/or Monochrome, National Museum of Modern Art, Tokyo. Traveled to The National Museum of Modern Art, Kyoto
    Bremer Kunstpreis, Kunsthalle Bremen, Germany (catalogue)
    German Art of the late 80s, Contemporary Arts Museum, Houston
    Galerie Ghislaine Hussenot, Paris


    Cultural Geometry, DESTE Foundation for Contemporary Art, House of Cyprus, Athens
    1988 Australian Biennale: from the Southern Cross: A view of World Art c. 1940–88, Sydney Biennale
    BiNationale, German Art of the Late 80’s, Museum of Fine Arts, Boston. Traveled to Kunsthalle Düsseldorf (catalogue)
    Carnegie International, Carnegie Museum of Art, Pittsburgh (catalogue)
    Collections pour une région,CAPC Musée d'Art Contemporain de Bordeaux, France
    Nature Morte, Galerie Philomene Magers, Bonn
    Katharina Fritsch, Michael van Ofen, Jeff Wall: Krieg, Liebe, Geld, Galerie Johnen & Schöttle, Cologne


    Hacen lo que quieren: Arte joven renano, Museo d’Arte Contemporáneo de Sevilla
    Anderer Leute Kunst, Museum Haus Lange, Krefeld, Germany
    Skulptur Projekte Münster, Germany (catalogue)
    Res publica: Ideen und Konzepte für öffentliche Kunst, Galerie Sonne, Berlin
    Bestiarium, Galerie Rüdiger Schöttle, Munich
    Multiples, Galerie Daniel Buchholz, Cologne
    Ydessa Gallery, Toronto


    Von Raum zu Raum (From Space to Space), Kunstverein Hamburg (catalogue)
    Sonsbeek '86, Arnhem, Netherlands (catalogue)
    Aus den Anfängen, Kunstfonds Bonn
    Europa/Amerika, Museum Ludwig, Cologne (catalogue)
    A Distanced View, New Museum, New York
    Sie machen was sie wollen: Junge Rheinische Kunst, Galerie Schipka, Sofia, Bulgaria


    Galerie Schneider (with Thomas Ruff and Bernd Jünger), Konstanz, German


    Von hier aus, Messegelände (Halle 13), Düsseldorf (catalogue)


    Möbel perdu, Museum für Kunst und Gewerbe, Hamburg
    (Orte) der 10 heiligen Geliebten, Klassenausstellung Schwegler, Museum Schloss Hardenberg, Velbert, Germany

  • Curated Exhibitions:


    Fette/Koschkarow/Lahme, Galerie Schönewald, Düsseldorf


    Künstler sammeln, Akademie-Galerie - Die Neue Sammlung, Düsseldorf


    Sugar – Positionen aus der Klasse Katharina Fritsch, Kunst im Tunnel, Düsseldorf


    Wrong, Kunst im Tunnel, Düsseldorf


    Torn Between Two Lovers, Matthew Marks Gallery, New York
    Das grüne Telefon - Klasse Katharina Fritsch, Kunstmuseum Gelsenkirchen, Germany


    Nan Goldin, Malkasten, Düsseldorf
    Michael van Ofen,Malkasten, Düsseldorf
    Luc Tuymans, Wandmalerei, Malkasten, Düsseldorf
    Alexander Knych, For Now and Forever,Malkasten, Düsseldorf


    Weege, Distortions, Malkasten, Düsseldorf
    Stefan Sehler, Suite, Malkasten, Düsseldorf
    Thomas Ruff, Nudes, Malkasten, Düsseldorf
    Dirk Skreber, Alte Schnittschnelle – Bilder, Malkasten, Düsseldorf
    Office Killer, Film by Cindy Sherman, Malkasten, Düsseldorf
    Peter Josef Abels, Die hängenden Mappen, Malkasten, Düsseldorf
    Marcus Weber, Be a Clown, Malkasten, Düsseldorf
    Sam Taylor Wood, Fotografien, Malkasten, Düsseldorf
    Hobbypopmuseum, Neue Arbeiten auf Papier, Malkasten, Düsseldorf
    Bernard Buffet, Bilder, Malkasten, Düsseldorf (after an idea by Alexander Roeb)
    Glenn Brown, Bilder, Malkasten, Düsseldorf
    Christoph Steinmeyer, Decamerone & Stracciatella, Malkasten, Düsseldorf
    Arnold Böcklin, “Triton und Nereide” und Repliken, Malkasten, Düsseldorf


    Moritz R®, Malkasten, Düsseldorf
    Fenja Braster, Malkasten, Düsseldorf
    Andreas Gursky, Malkasten, Düsseldorf
    Matthew Barney, Cremaster 2, Malkasten, Düsseldorf
    Olivia Berckemeyer, Death Metal Bar, 07. November 2000, Malkasten, Bar
    Alexej Koschkarow, Guerra di Torta, Malkasten, Düsseldorf
    Das kleine Format, Malkastenausstellung, Malkasten, Düsseldorf


    Der Teppich des Lebens, Museum B.C. Koekkoek-Haus, Kleve, Germany

  • Awards and Honors


    Golden Lion for Lifetime Achievement, 59th Venice Biennale


    Art Prize of the City of Düsseldorf


    Piepenbrock Preis für Skulptur, Kulturstiftung Hartwig Piepenbrock


    Konrad-von-Soest-Preis, Landesverband Westfalen-Lippe


    “Junge Stadt sieht Junge Kunst,” Stadt Wolfsburg, Germany


    Kunstpreis der Stadt Aachen, Germany


    Coutts & Co. International Award, London


    Kunstpreis Glockengasse, Cologne


    Kunstpreis Rheinische Post